OK, here's a couple of really dumb questions!

I have an MDI window with multiple child forms. The user can hide or display child windows by checking/unchecking in a View menu on the main form, calling on either the Show or Hide methods for that form. Each time I call the show method do I also have to specify myForm.MdiParent = Me, or do I only have to specify that once, ie does vb remember that the form will always be a child? Is there way of specifying this at design time?... it doesnt appear to be a form property any more (from vb6).

Second question relates to forms themselves. If I have created a form at design time, is it more efficient to create an instance of that form using New, or simply show the form as it is by just loading it. What are the pros or cons, memory and speed wise? In my case I will never need more than one copy of that form to appear, I'm using VB2005.
