Iam taking computer programming in school and we are learning C#. and when I say learning I really mean is reading the C# textbook and trying to figure out what everything means. My buddy and I are just on chapter 2 of the C# textbook and the teacher does not know anything we are self teching ourselves. Now the teacher gave us this assignment even though we are only on chapter 2 and he expects us to do it. can anyone give me some help with this?

we are using Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express

Q2: Write a C# program that has a Main method and a user-defined method called
ComputeSalesTax. The Main method asks the user to enter an item’s cost (double) and the
percentage sales tax (double). It then calls the method named ComputeSalesTax which has
two parameters that will hold the item’s cost and percentage sales tax as arguments. The
method returns the overall price of the item (double). For example, if an item’s cost is $3.50
and percentage sales tax is 10% (which is entered as 0.1), then the value returned by the
ComputeSalesTax is $3.85. The method header for ComputeSalesTax should look like:
public static double ComputeSalesTax (double itemCost, double perSalesTax)
For both questions, you are to submit your properly documented source code (ie, use
comments), sample output showing your program works (ie, cut and paste from your output
screens into a word processor), and your executable (ie, your .exe file). These are to be
attached to the Assign 1 – Q1 and Assign 1 – Q2 dropboxes in WebCT respectively.
**** Note: On this assignment you do not need to validate user input. This means that if the
program requests a double, you can assume that the user will input a double, etc