I have a table which is dynamically created and works perfectly. In one of the cells I am selecting a range of data (multiple rows) from another table and placing them all in one cell on the table.

My data currently looks like this:

April 01 2012 | A | Adam // April 02 2012 | B | Bruce // April 03 2010 | C | Casper

I need to place a CR (Carriage Return) in place of the // so as my data looks like this:

April 01 2012 | A | Adam
April 02 2012 | B | Bruce
April 03 2010 | C | Casper

My code is held in an SQL View & is as follows:

ALTER VIEW [dbo].[table_information]
(SELECT (' // ' + CAST(RHR.ReviewedDate AS VARCHAR(11)) + ' | ' + (RHR.ReviewedRisk_ID) + ' | ' + RTRIM(RHR.ReviewedRiskComment) + char(10) + char(13))
WHERE EDIT_HISTORY.EditHistory_ID = RHR.EditHistory_ID
ORDER BY RHR.EditHistory_ID, RHR.ReviewedDate, RHR.ReviewedRisk_ID, RHR.ReviewedRiskComment for xml path('')) AS Reviews

My apologies if i have placed this request for help in the wrong place. I could not find anywhere that really suited it.