
I am wanting to read a data file that is placed in my project file where the driver.cpp, function.cpp and function.h are located.

I want to the user create an output file name. How can I do this and where should it be placed?
Also I put my other question below some of this code.

Thanks for the help!


// Driver.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include "Function.h"
using namespace std;

int main ()

	int flowData [400];
	string Dates [400];
	int highIndex, lowIndex;


	int total = ReadFile(Dates, flowData);
	bool Write;

	////Problems reading or getting file; Closes program
	//if (total == -99)
	//	cout <<"\nTrouble Reading input file, closing program";
	//	exit(1);

	AnalyzeFile(flowData, total, highIndex, lowIndex);
	Write = WriteFile();

	cout << "\n";

	return 0;


// Function.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include "Function.h"
using namespace std;

#define FILE "FlowData.csv"
#define FILEOUT "FlowDataResults.txt"

void Header ()
	cout  <<"\nProgram: 7 Part: 2"
		 <<"\nData from http://www.usbr.gov/lc/region/g4000/NaturalFlow/NaturalFlows1906-2008_withExtensions_1.26.11.xlsx"
		 <<"\nObject: Web Research & Reading & Writing Data Files\n\n";

int ReadFile(string Dates [], int flowData [])
	ifstream input;
	//Checking file and seeing if I can open it
	if (!input)
		cout <<"\nCan't open file, exiting!";
		return false;
	//Reading the file
	cout <<"\nReading: " << FILE << endl;

	int i = 0;

	while (!input.eof() )
		getline(input, Dates[i], ',');

	//Telling user where the location is
	cout <<"Located: Folder" << endl;
	cout <<"Written: Yes";
	cout <<"\n\nGood Bye";


	return i;
void AnalyzeFile(int flowData [], int total, int &rHigh, int &rLow)
	rHigh = rLow = 0;
	int highFlow, lowFlow;
	highFlow = lowFlow = flowData[0];

	for(int i = 1; i < total; ++i)
		//Seeing the low flow
		if (flowData[i] < lowFlow)
			lowFlow = flowData[i];
			rLow = i;
		//Seeing the high flow
		if (flowData [i] > highFlow)
			highFlow = flowData [i];
			rHigh = i;

		//Displays the results with high and low flows along with the acre feet per month
	//Need to put this somewhere so it can print the results 
	cout << "\nThe highest flow was " << flowData[rHigh];
	cout << "\nAcre-feet per month in " << flowData[rHigh] << endl;

	cout << "\nLowest flow was " << flowData[rLow];
	cout << "\nAcre-feed per month in " << flowData[rLow] << endl;


bool WriteFile()
	//Asking user for file name
	ofstream output;
	//Checking to see if I can open the results text file
	if (!output)
		cout <<"\nFile cannot open!";
			return false;
	//printing the results in a text file .txt
		output <<"C++ Data Created By: "
		 <<"\nThanks for using the C++ Data Reader";


	return true;
I'm also wanting to know where I should put these two lines at.

		//Displays the results with high and low flows along with the acre feet per month
	//Need to put this somewhere so it can print the results 
	cout << "\nThe highest flow was " << flowData[rHigh];
	cout << "\nAcre-feet per month in " << flowData[rHigh] << endl;

	cout << "\nLowest flow was " << flowData[rLow];
	cout << "\nAcre-feed per month in " << flowData[rLow] << endl;

I don't want to show the results to the user in the cmd, but want to show the results in a text file the user created.


// Function.h

#include <string>
using namespace std;

void Header();
int ReadFile(string Dates [], int flowData []);
void AnalyzeFile(int flowData [], int total, int &rHigh, int &rLow);
bool WriteFile();