Hi everybody!
I've just started learning ASP.NET MVC 3, I have no knowledge on web applications, only a medium experience in C# programming. I've noticed that view template files (the .cshtml files) often contain references to
properties of the WebViewPage<TModel> class. I need to understand a few things:
a) since WebViewPage<TModel> is an abstract class, it must be inherited by some other class (let's call it classB)
b) there must be un instantiation of classB into an object.
c) let's consider a statement like @Html.DisplayFor(....) (no matter about its parameters): it looks a bit strange as there's no reference to any instance of classB: in a way it's a little as if "we were inside" classB

Perhaps I lack some very basic knowledge about the ASP .NET architecture.

Can anybody help me or refer me to some good (but easy) material?

Thank you very much in advance!