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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Question need some help with this codae project

    when I open project this error comes up msdxm.ocx and the other error im getting is (compile error method or data member not found)and then it highlight's .PlayState. I wont this to work because im making me one my self and what this open source project is for planet source code, its a replacement shell here is the cod that I have on .playState. :winkiss: I will like if anyone will fixs it out for me or can you show me how to do it, that will be fine. if you need nor source just ask me


    Dim SavePlaybackStatus As Boolean
    Dim MediaPos2 As String
    Dim MediaPos As String
    Dim Media_PlayImageNum As Integer
    Dim Media_LOADED As Boolean
    Dim AutoMix_ON As Boolean
    Dim AutoMix_PLAYERID As Integer
    Dim AutoMix_MEDIAID As Integer
    Public Sub UpdateMediaOptions()
    If AutoMix_ON = False Then Exit Sub
    With MediaBarOptions
    .cmdClearList.Caption = "STOP && CLEAR Playlist"
    For asd = 0 To lstPlayList.ListCount - 1
    .lstPlayList.AddItem lstPlayList.List(asd)
    .lstPlayListb.AddItem PROBas.GetFileTitle(lstPlayList.List(asd))
    End With
    End Sub
    Public Sub PlaySingle(ExFilenm As String)
    'Stop all other media
    If AutoMix_ON = True Then StopAndClearPlaylistMixer
    d = PROBas.INIGetSetting("mediabar", "autoplay", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc")
    MPlayer(0).FileName = ExFilenm
    AutoMix_PLAYERID = 0
    If Not d = 1 Then MPlayer(0).Stop
    Media_LOADED = True
    Media_PlayImageNum = -1
    playimg_timer.Enabled = True
    End Sub
    Public Sub StopAndClearPlaylistMixer()
    AutoMix_ON = False
    AutoMix_MEDIAID = -1
    AutoMix_PLAYERID = 0
    End Sub
    Public Sub StartNewPlaylistMixer()
    'Starts a new playlist process
    If AutoMix_ON = True Then AutoMix_ON = False
    AutoMix_MEDIAID = -1
    AutoMix_PLAYERID = 0
    For asd = 0 To MediaBarOptions.lstPlayList.ListCount - 1
    lstPlayList.AddItem MediaBarOptions.lstPlayList.List(asd)
    Media_LOADED = True
    playimg_timer.Enabled = True
    AutoMix_ON = True
    End Sub
    Public Sub ShowNowPlayingWindow()
    If Media_LOADED = False Then Media_NowPlaying.ShowNowPlaying "", Main.MediaBar.Left, Main.MediaBar.Top: Exit Sub
    Media_NowPlaying.ShowNowPlaying PROBas.GetFileTitle(MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).FileName), Main.MediaBar.Left, Main.MediaBar.Top
    End Sub
    Public Sub StopMedia()
    MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).CurrentPosition = 0
    PROBas.INISaveSetting "0", "mediabar", "dump_playing", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc"
    End Sub
    Public Sub PauseMedia()
    On Error GoTo 432
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Media Bar cannot pause\playback this file. It may be of the wrong format or corrupt. If you downloaded this file, try downloading it again - or contact your media vendor.", 16, "Media Error"
    End Sub
    Public Sub ResumePlayMedia()
    On Error GoTo 435
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Media Bar cannot playback this file. It may be of the wrong format or corrupt. If you downloaded this file, try downloading it again - or contact your media vendor.", 16, "Media Error"
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    'Get Mix %
    sf = PROBas.INIGetSetting("mediabar", "mixpercent", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc")
    If IsNumeric(sf) = False Then sf = 2.8
    If sf < 1 Or sf > 50 Then sf = 2.8
    txtMixPrcnt = sf
    'Get ResumePlayback
    gds = PROBas.INIGetSetting("mediabar", "resumeplayback", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc")
    If gds = 1 Then SavePlaybackStatus = True
    'See if there was media playing when Nexus was last closed
    If SavePlaybackStatus = False Then Exit Sub
    eg = PROBas.INIGetSetting("mediabar", "dump_playing", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc")
    If Not eg = 1 Then Exit Sub
    'There was music playing...
    '   see if it was a playlist or single media file
    eg = PROBas.INIGetSetting("mediabar", "dump_medianum", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc")
    If eg = "" Then Exit Sub
    If eg = 1 Then
    'Single Media File
    egfaa = PROBas.INIGetSetting("mediabar", "dump_media1", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc")
    GoTo startplayback
    '   re-construct the playlist
    Dim egfa As String
    For fdg = 1 To eg
    egfa = PROBas.INIGetSetting("mediabar", "dump_media" & fdg, PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc")
    If FileCheck(egfa) = False Then MsgBox "The media that was playing in your last Nexus session could not be found. Playback cannot commence.", 16, "Auto-Resume": Exit Sub
    lstPlayList.AddItem egfa
    sfee = 1
    'Now set the vairbles...
    exh = PROBas.INIGetSetting("mediabar", "dumpvar_AutoMix_PLAYERID", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc")
    If exh = "" Then exh = 0
    exn = PROBas.INIGetSetting("mediabar", "dumpvar_AutoMix_MEDIAID", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc")
    ewn = PROBas.INIGetSetting("mediabar", "dumpvar_CurrentPosition", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc")
    If AutoMix_ON = True Then AutoMix_ON = False
    AutoMix_MEDIAID = exn
    AutoMix_PLAYERID = exh
    If sfee = 1 Then MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).FileName = lstPlayList.List(AutoMix_MEDIAID) Else MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).FileName = egfaa
    Media_LOADED = True
    MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).CurrentPosition = ewn
    If sfee = 1 Then AutoMix_ON = True
    playimg_timer.Enabled = True
    End If
    Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Private Sub lstPlayList_Click()
    If lstPlayList.ListCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
    If lstPlayList = "" Then Exit Sub
    MsgBox lstPlayList
    End Sub
    Private Sub MixTimer_Timer()
    If AutoMix_ON = False Then GreenLabel = "AutoMix OFF": MediaPos2 = "{No Media}": MediaPos = "{No Media}":  Exit Sub
    If MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).CurrentPosition = -1 And MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).PlayState = mpPlaying Then
    MediaPos2 = "{No Media}": MediaPos = "{No Media}": GreenLabel.Caption = "Media Error!": Exit Sub 'Warningpage.AddWarning "Media Playback Error": Exit Sub
    If AutoMix_MEDIAID > lstPlayList.ListCount Then GoTo finrec
    If Not GreenLabel = "Playing (" & (AutoMix_MEDIAID + 1) & "\" & lstPlayList.ListCount & ")..." Then GreenLabel = "Playing (" & (AutoMix_MEDIAID + 1) & "\" & lstPlayList.ListCount & ")..."
    If MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).CurrentPosition = 0 Then GreenLabel = "Stopped"
    If MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).PlayState = mpPaused Then GreenLabel = "Paused"
    If MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).PlayState = mpWaiting Then GreenLabel = "!WARNING!": Warningpage.AddWarning "Media Automation Error"
    If MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).Duration > 100 Then
    Main.MediaBar_Progress.Max = MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).Duration
    End If
    If AutoMix_PLAYERID = 0 Then
    MediaPos = MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).CurrentPosition & "\" & MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).Duration
    If Not MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).Duration > 100 Then
        If Not MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).Duration < 1 Then
            Main.MediaBar_Progress.Value = MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).CurrentPosition
        End If
    End If
    MediaPos2 = "{No Media Playing}"
    If Not MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).Duration > 100 Then
        If Not MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).Duration < 1 Then
            Main.MediaBar_Progress.Value = MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).CurrentPosition
        End If
    End If
    MediaPos2 = MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).CurrentPosition & "\" & MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).Duration
    MediaPos = "{No Media Playing}"
    End If
    xx = (MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).Duration / 100) * txtMixPrcnt ' % before end
    If MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).CurrentPosition >= MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).Duration - xx Or AutoMix_MEDIAID = -1 Then
    'The end of the last song is nigh...
    '   Show mixin label
        MixinNow.Visible = True
    '   Change PLAYERID
        If AutoMix_PLAYERID = 0 Then
        AutoMix_PLAYERID = 1
        AutoMix_PLAYERID = 0
        End If
    '   Update MEDIAID
        AutoMix_MEDIAID = AutoMix_MEDIAID + 1
    '   Start Playing Next Media File
        On Error GoTo finrec
        MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).FileName = lstPlayList.List(AutoMix_MEDIAID)
        MixinNow.Visible = False
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "The Playlist Mixer Process has finished.", 64, "Media Bar Notification"
    AutoMix_MEDIAID = -1
    AutoMix_PLAYERID = 0
    AutoMix_ON = False
    Media_LOADED = False
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub playimg_timer_Timer()
    If Media_LOADED = False Then
    'Reset image counter var
    Media_PlayImageNum = -1
    'Load the dead play image
    Main.MediaBar.Picture = playimg_dead.Picture
    PROBas.INISaveSetting "0", "mediabar", "dump_playing", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc"
    If Not MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).PlayState = mpStopped Then PROBas.INISaveSetting "1", "mediabar", "dump_playing", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc" Else PROBas.INISaveSetting "0", "mediabar", "dump_playing", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc"
    'Save Auto-Resume Settings
    If SavePlaybackStatus = True Then
        'Number of media files
        If AutoMix_ON = True Then
            If lstPlayList.ListCount = 0 Then Media_LOADED = False: Exit Sub
            PROBas.INISaveSetting lstPlayList.ListCount, "mediabar", "dump_medianum", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc"
            'Save Playlist
            For affs = 1 To lstPlayList.ListCount
                PROBas.INISaveSetting lstPlayList.List(affs - 1), "mediabar", "dump_media" & affs, PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc"
                'Single Media
                PROBas.INISaveSetting "1", "mediabar", "dump_medianum", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc"
                PROBas.INISaveSetting MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).FileName, "mediabar", "dump_media1", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc"
        End If
        'Save Current Varibles
        PROBas.INISaveSetting AutoMix_PLAYERID, "mediabar", "dumpvar_AutoMix_PLAYERID", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc"
        PROBas.INISaveSetting AutoMix_MEDIAID, "mediabar", "dumpvar_AutoMix_MEDIAID", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc"
        PROBas.INISaveSetting MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).CurrentPosition, "mediabar", "dumpvar_CurrentPosition", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc"
    End If
    If MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).PlayState = mpStopped Then Main.MediaBar.Picture = playimg_dead.Picture: Media_PlayImageNum = -1: Main.MediaBar_Progress.Value = 0: Exit Sub
    If Not MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).PlayState = mpPlaying Then Main.MediaBar.Picture = playimg(0).Picture: Media_PlayImageNum = -1: Exit Sub
    If Media_PlayImageNum >= 2 Then Media_PlayImageNum = -1
    'Update Progress Bar Control
    Main.MediaBar_Progress.Max = MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).Duration
    Main.MediaBar_Progress.Value = MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).CurrentPosition
    'Update Plaing Images On Media Bar
    Media_PlayImageNum = Media_PlayImageNum + 1
    Main.MediaBar.Picture = playimg(Media_PlayImageNum).Picture
    End If
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: need some help with this codae project

    What is the error that comes up?
    Is that OCX on your system?
    Is it properly registered?
    Always use [code][/code] tags when posting code.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: need some help with this codae project

    Hi I got the OCX to work but when I run the program I get this message Compile error method or data member not found

    'Now set the vairbles...
    exh = PROBas.INIGetSetting("mediabar", "dumpvar_AutoMix_PLAYERID", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc")
    If exh = "" Then exh = 0
    exn = PROBas.INIGetSetting("mediabar", "dumpvar_AutoMix_MEDIAID", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc")
    ewn = PROBas.INIGetSetting("mediabar", "dumpvar_CurrentPosition", PATHFile + "Users\" + CurrentUser + ".itc")
    If AutoMix_ON = True Then AutoMix_ON = False
    AutoMix_MEDIAID = exn
    AutoMix_PLAYERID = exh
    If sfee = 1 Then MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).FileName = lstPlayList.List(AutoMix_MEDIAID) Else MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).FileName = egfaa
    Media_LOADED = True
    MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).CurrentPosition = ewn
    If sfee = 1 Then AutoMix_ON = True
    playimg_timer.Enabled = True
    End If

    the one in orange is what I get when I run the program.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: need some help with this codae project

    "method or data member not found" indicates that the object (here MPlayer(x)) has no property/element of the name FileName.
    To see all properties of an object you go to a new line and type MPlayer(AutoMix_PLAYERID).
    After having typed the dot, the intellisense list should open and show all available items.

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