
I am trying to use "remove_if" with a predicate function inside a class. The code intends to remove the grid cells which an agent cannot move into (from among all possible cells).

void classname::function1()
vector<MoorePoint> neighbors;
neighbors.erase(std::remove_if(neighbors.begin(),neighbors.end(),&classname::cannotMoveIn), neighbors.end()); 

bool classname::cannotMoveIn(MoorePoint mp)
    return !mp.inGridNotOccupied;
That code would work if it was not in a class and the predicate was not a member function. However, now I receive long error messages which I guess refer to incompatibility of remove_if template with the predicate parameter (one error includes : error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments).

Does anyone have any idea what is wrong?
