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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    [RESOLVED] [VS201] Formatting Excel Export

    I am having difficulties trying to format my excel export. The header (Motor Parts) is displayed correctly but the column headers are displaying above the motor Parts header. I think it is an issue with iMaxYCoordinate but I can't see a problem.

    #Region "Exports to Excel"
        Private Sub btnExportToExcel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExportToExcel.Click
            Dim dialog As DialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to generate the excel?", "Delete confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)
            If dialog = DialogResult.No Then
                'Do not generate Excel
                'Generate the Excel
                Dim oExcelApp As Excel.Application
                Dim oWkBk As Excel.Workbook
                Dim oSheet As Excel.Worksheet
                Dim oRnge As Excel.Range
                Dim iMaxXCoordinate As Integer = 0
                Dim iMaxYCoordinate As Integer = 0
                ' Start Excel and get Application object.
                oExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
                oExcelApp.Visible = True
                ' Get a new workbook.
                oWkBk = oExcelApp.Workbooks.Add
                oSheet = oWkBk.ActiveSheet
                '*************EXPORT MOTOR PARTS TO EXCEL*************
                'If motors controllers exist, add that section to excel
                If lstMotorController.Count > 0 Then
                    iMaxYCoordinate = 2
                    oSheet.Range("A" & iMaxYCoordinate, "I" & iMaxYCoordinate).Merge()
                    oSheet.Cells(HeaderRow, 1).value = "MOTOR PARTS"
                    With oSheet.Range("A" & iMaxYCoordinate, "I" & iMaxYCoordinate)
                        .Font.Bold = True
                        .Font.Size = "12"
                        .HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
                        .VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
                        .Interior.ColorIndex = 35
                    End With
                End If
                ' Format A3:I3 as bold, vertical alignment = center.
                With oSheet.Range("A" & iMaxYCoordinate, "I" & iMaxYCoordinate)
                    .Font.Bold = True
                    .Font.Size = "12"
                    .VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
                    .Borders.Color = Color.Black
                    .Interior.ColorIndex = 35
                End With
                'Add each motor to the excel
                For iCount As Integer = 0 To lstMotorController.Count - 1
                    iMaxYCoordinate = iMaxYCoordinate + 1
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.PartNumber) = lstMotorController.Item(iCount).MotorControllerPartNumber
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Manufacturer) = lstMotorController.Item(iCount).MotorControllerManufacturer
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Description) = lstMotorController.Item(iCount).MotorControllerDescription
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Vendor) = lstMotorController.Item(iCount).MotorControllerVendor
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Quantity) = lstMotorController.Item(iCount).MotorControllerQuantity
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Price) = lstMotorController.Item(iCount).MotorControllerPrice
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.ExtPrice) = "=E" & iMaxYCoordinate & "*F" & iMaxYCoordinate
                With oSheet.Range("A" & iMaxYCoordinate, "G" & iMaxYCoordinate)
                End With
                '*****************END EXPORT MOTOR CONTROLLERS TO EXCEL*************
                'Add each motor to the excel
                For iCount As Integer = 0 To lstMotorDisconnect.Count - 1
                    iMaxYCoordinate = iMaxYCoordinate + 1
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.PartNumber) = lstMotorDisconnect.Item(iCount).MotorDisconnectPartNumber
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Manufacturer) = lstMotorDisconnect.Item(iCount).MotorDisconnectManufacturer
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Description) = lstMotorDisconnect.Item(iCount).MotorDisconnectDescription
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Vendor) = lstMotorDisconnect.Item(iCount).MotorDisconnectVendor
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Quantity) = lstMotorDisconnect.Item(iCount).MotorDisconnectQuantity
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Price) = lstMotorDisconnect.Item(iCount).MotorDisconnectPrice
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.ExtPrice) = "=E" & iMaxYCoordinate & "*F" & iMaxYCoordinate
                With oSheet.Range("A" & iMaxYCoordinate, "G" & iMaxYCoordinate)
                End With
                '************END EXPORT MOTOR DISCONNECT TO EXCEL**********
                'Add each motor to the excel
                For iCount As Integer = 0 To lstProtection.Count - 1
                    iMaxYCoordinate = iMaxYCoordinate + 1
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.PartNumber) = lstProtection.Item(iCount).ProtectionPartNumber
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Manufacturer) = lstProtection.Item(iCount).ProtectionManufacturer
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Description) = lstProtection.Item(iCount).ProtectionDescription
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Vendor) = lstProtection.Item(iCount).ProtectionVendor
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Quantity) = lstProtection.Item(iCount).ProtectionQuantity
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Price) = lstProtection.Item(iCount).ProtectionPrice
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.ExtPrice) = "=E" & iMaxYCoordinate & "*F" & iMaxYCoordinate
                With oSheet.Range("A" & iMaxYCoordinate, "G" & iMaxYCoordinate)
                End With
                '************END EXPORT MOTOR protection TO EXCEL**********
    Thanks in advance for any help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    NW USA

    Re: [VS201] Formatting Excel Export

    Where is the code that generates the column headers?

    One observation: HeaderRow in
    oSheet.Cells(HeaderRow, 1).value = "MOTOR PARTS"
    is not assigned a value and not in quotes so it is zero. (maybe it's a const?)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: [VS201] Formatting Excel Export

    Sorry about that I have been moving code around trying to fix the situation and I sent the code without this:
     oSheet.Cells(PartSections.PartNumber).Value = "Part Number"
                oSheet.Cells(PartSections.Manufacturer).Value = "Manufacturer"
                oSheet.Cells(PartSections.Description).Value = "Description"
                oSheet.Cells(PartSections.Vendor).Value = "Vendor"
                oSheet.Cells(PartSections.Quantity).value = "Quantity"
                oSheet.Cells(PartSections.Price).value = "Price"
                oSheet.Cells(PartSections.ExtPrice).value = "Ext Price"
                oSheet.Cells(PartSections.Status).value = "Status"
                oSheet.Cells(PartSections.InSock).value = "In Stock"
    They were named as HeaderRows but conflicted with the Motor Parts Header row.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    NW USA

    Re: [VS201] Formatting Excel Export

    This is a guess:
    PartSections is a class with PartNumber an integer. The line:
    oSheet.Cells(PartSections.PartNumber).Value = "Part Number"
    is missing a parameter. Cells requires two. My guess is that it is using row zero for the missing parameter. It maybe should read:
    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.PartNumber).Value = "Part Number"
    and then increment iMaxYCoordinate

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: [VS201] Formatting Excel Export

    I got it to work! Now I just need to clean it up. Thank you!
    #Region "Exports to Excel"
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Exports to excel
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <param name="sender"></param>
        ''' <param name="e"></param>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Private Sub btnExportToExcel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExportToExcel.Click
            Dim dialog As DialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to generate the excel?", "Delete confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)
            If dialog = DialogResult.No Then
                'Do not generate Excel
                'Generate the Excel
                Dim oExcelApp As Excel.Application
                Dim oWkBk As Excel.Workbook
                Dim oSheet As Excel.Worksheet
                Dim oRnge As Excel.Range
                Dim iMaxXCoordinate As Integer = 0
                Dim iMaxYCoordinate As Integer = 0
                ' Start Excel and get Application object.
                oExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
                oExcelApp.Visible = True
                ' Get a new workbook.
                oWkBk = oExcelApp.Workbooks.Add
                oSheet = oWkBk.ActiveSheet
                '******************HEADER SECTION**********************************
                iMaxYCoordinate = 3
                '*************EXPORT MOTOR PARTS TO EXCEL*************
                oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.PartNumber).Value = "Part Number"
                oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Manufacturer).Value = "Manufacturer"
                oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Description).Value = "Description"
                oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Vendor).Value = "Vendor"
                oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Quantity).value = "Quantity"
                oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Price).value = "Price"
                oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.ExtPrice).value = "Ext Price"
                oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Status).value = "Status"
                oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.InSock).value = "In Stock"
                With oSheet.Range("A" & iMaxYCoordinate, "I" & iMaxYCoordinate)
                    .Font.Bold = True
                    .Font.Size = "12"
                    .VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
                    .Borders.Color = Color.Black
                    .Interior.ColorIndex = 35
                End With
                'If motors controllers exist, add that section to excel
                If lstMotorController.Count > 0 Then
                    iMaxYCoordinate = 2
                    oSheet.Range("A" & iMaxYCoordinate, "I" & iMaxYCoordinate).Merge()
                    oSheet.Cells(HeaderRow, 1).value = "MOTOR PARTS"
                    With oSheet.Range("A" & iMaxYCoordinate, "I" & iMaxYCoordinate)
                        .Font.Bold = True
                        .Font.Size = "12"
                        .HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter
                        .VerticalAlignment = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter
                        .Interior.ColorIndex = 35
                    End With
                End If
                'Add each motor to the excel
                For iCount As Integer = 0 To lstMotorController.Count - 1
                    iMaxYCoordinate = 4
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.PartNumber) = lstMotorController.Item(iCount).MotorControllerPartNumber
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Manufacturer) = lstMotorController.Item(iCount).MotorControllerManufacturer
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Description) = lstMotorController.Item(iCount).MotorControllerDescription
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Vendor) = lstMotorController.Item(iCount).MotorControllerVendor
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Quantity) = lstMotorController.Item(iCount).MotorControllerQuantity
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.Price) = lstMotorController.Item(iCount).MotorControllerPrice
                    oSheet.Cells(iMaxYCoordinate, PartSections.ExtPrice) = "=E" & iMaxYCoordinate & "*F" & iMaxYCoordinate
                With oSheet.Range("A" & iMaxYCoordinate, "G" & iMaxYCoordinate)
                End With
                '*****************END EXPORT MOTOR CONTROLLERS TO EXCEL*************

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