Subj. Try to implement overloading << operator. If I done it void then everything work fine (see comment out) if I make it class of ostream& then the operator return to me some memory address. Please help

#ifndef Point_HPP // anti multiply including gates
#define Point_HPP

#include <sstream>

class Point
	private:		//  declaration of private data members 
	double x;		// X coordinate
	double y;		// Y coordinate

	public: // public declaration of data members (in given example haven't ) and member functions 

		//----------- Declaration of Constructors -----------//
	Point();									// Default constructor
	Point(double newX, double newY);			// Constructor 
	Point (const Point& ObjectOfClassPoint);	//COPY constructor
	~Point(); // 

	//----------- Declaration of  Accessors member functions -----------//

	std::ostream& ToString() ; 
	//void Point::ToString () const; 

//----------- Implementaion of Global Ostream << Operator  -----------//

/*std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, Point &cPoint) 
    // SHOULD BE WITHOUT friendness 
    // Point's members directly.
	out << cPoint.ToString();
    return out;

#endif // Point_HPP

#include <iostream>
#include "Point.hpp"

int main()


	std::cout << "\n\t ---TEST OF Operator Overloading--- \n";
	Point MyPoint(1455  , 1492  );							// Creating an object of  Point using constructor 
	Point MySecondPoint (1517   , 1796  );					// Creating an object of  Point using constructor 
	Point MyThirdPoint (1610  , 1882   );					// Creating an object of  Point using constructor 
	std::cout << "\n";

	std::cout << "\n std::cout << MySecondPoint.ToString();;\n\n\n ";
	std::cout << "\n" <<  MySecondPoint.ToString();

	std::cout << "\n ---  Now some easy math --- ";

  return 0 ; 
#include "Point.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>

			//----------- Implementation of Constructors -----------//

Point::Point() : x(0), y(0)															// Default constructor (implemented using colon syntax )
	std::cout << "hi my default constructor\n\n\t";
Point::Point(double newX, double newY) : x(newX), y(newY)							// Constructor 
	//std::cout << "hi my constructor\n\n\t"; 
Point::~Point() 																	// Destructor
	//std::cout << "bye my point..\n";

Point::Point (const Point& ObjectOfClassPoint)										// Copy constructor
			//std::cout << "this is COPY constructor\n\n\t ";
			x = ObjectOfClassPoint.x;
			y = ObjectOfClassPoint.y;



			//----------- Implementation of Accessor(s) member functions -----------//

std::ostream& Point::ToString ()
	{// Function ToString should also be const also because of reason of mistaken modification of an object's value 
		std::ostringstream os;								// std::stringstream object
		os << " Point (" << x << ", " << y << ")\n";			// customization of output 
		os.str();											// str() function retrieve the string from the string buffer
		return os;


/*void Point::ToString () const
	{// Function ToString should also be const also because of reason of mistaken modification of an object's value 
		std::ostringstream os;								// std::stringstream object
		os << " Point (" << x << ", " << y << ")";			// customization of output 
		std::cout << os.str()<<"\n";						// str() function retrieve the string from the string buffer