I code the algorithm Depth First Search, but it infinite loop, what did i wrong?
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
const int maxx = 20;
void Read_input_from_user(bool grid[][maxx], int vertices)
    int u, v;
    for(int x = 0; x < vertices; ++x)
        cout << "Enter u : \t"; 
        cin >> u;
        cout << "Enter v : \t";
        cin >> v;
        grid[u][v] = true;
        grid[v][u] = true;
        cout << "---------------------\n";

void Depth_first_search(bool grid[][maxx], std::vector<int> &trace, 
                        int nodes, int u) 
    for(int v = 0; v < nodes; ++v)
        if((grid[u][v] == true) && trace[v] == 0)
            trace[v] = u;
            //recursive step
            Depth_first_search(grid, trace, nodes, v);

void Trace_result(std::vector<int> &trace, int start, int end, int nodes) 
    cout << "From _nodes" << start + 1 << " you can visit :\n";
    for(int v = 0; v < nodes; ++v)
        if(trace[v] != 0)
            cout << " _nodes : " << v + 1 << " , ";

    cout << "\n--------------------------------------------\n";
    cout << "The path from " << start + 1 << " to " << end + 1 << '\n';
    if(trace[end] == 0){
        cout << "Unavailable.! to go to from " << end + 1 
             << " to -> " << start + 1 << '\n';
        while(end != start)
            cout << end + 1 << "<-";
            end = trace[end];
        cout << start + 1 << endl;

int main()
    bool grid[maxx][maxx] = { false };
    std::vector<int> trace(maxx, 0);
    int nodes, vertices;
    cout << "Please input the number of Node : \n";
    cin >> nodes;
    cout << "Please input the number of Vertices : \n";
    cin >> vertices;

    //Set value for all vertices.
    Read_input_from_user(grid, vertices); 

    //Read the necessary path
    int starting_position, finishing_position;
    cout << "Please Input the Starting Node : \n";
    cin >> starting_position;
    cout << "Please Input the Finishing Node : \n";
    cin >> finishing_position;
    //Decrease to fit with index of C++ start from 0->size-1

    Depth_first_search(grid, trace, nodes, starting_position); 
    Trace_result(trace, starting_position, finishing_position, nodes);
    return 0;
I'm wrong in: Depth_first_search, is't it?