Good day, new kid on the block here.

I need to command a user to open file for reading and then take the words
ending in "ed" and print them back to the file.

My problem is I understand opening a file, and comparing the strings but
putting them together so that I am writing the new items to the file
just boggles my poor soul.

So a few issues here: can't actually open the text file, and also not sure how to go about reading the array into it.
I appreciate all of your help, and please do not give me short replies so as to assume I know exactly what you mean because I am a sincere virgin to c++. THX

HTML Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main( void )
int i; /* loop counter */
 int length; /* length of current string */
char array[ 5 ][ 20 ] = {0}; /* 5 strings from user */
 char filename [100];
 FILE* fileptr;

 printf ("Please enter the file to open:");
 scanf_s ("%s", filename);

 fileptr = fopen (filename, "r");

 if (fileptr == NULL)
	 printf ("Unable to open '%s' for input. \n", filename);

	 while (!feof(fileptr))
 /* read in 5 strings from user */
 for ( i = 0; i <= 4; i++ ) {
 printf( "\nThe strings ending with \"ED\" are:\n" );
 /* loop through 5 strings */
 for ( i = 0; i <= 4; i++ ) {

 /* find length of current string */
length = strlen( &array[ i ][ 0 ] );

 /* print string if it ends with "ED" */
 if ( strcmp( &array[ i ][ length - 2 ], "ED" ) == 0 ) {
printf( "%s\n", &array[ i ][ 0 ] );

fclose (fileptr);

} /* end if */

}//end for //

} //end else//
 return 0; 

} //end main//