// Title: Bank Account Program
// Author: 
// Descripition: A bank account program that lets the user open an account by adding a 
// customer name then adding a balance to the account, also lets you make a withdrawl from 
// the account and add a deposit to the account and the user can add interest to the account 
// which is calculated at 1.67% and the account number used to setup the account is 00112280

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip> // setprecision() funcion
#include <conio.h> // _getch() function
#include <ctime> // add system time and date
using namespace std;

const float interest = 1.67;
const int account_number = 112280;

string customer_first_name, customer_surname;
double balance, deposit, withdrawl;
int account_exists = 0;
int cust_account_number;
char dat[10], tim[9];

void display_main_menu();
void open_account();
void account_withdrawl();
void account_deposit();
void add_interest();
void display_account_details();
void exit();

void display_main_menu()
	int choice;
			system ("cls");
			cout << endl << "Todays date is: " << dat << " and the time is " << tim << endl << endl;
			cout << "\t  Bank Account Menu" << endl;
			cout << "\t_________________________" <<endl << endl;
			cout << "\t1.  Open an account " << endl
				<<"\t2.  Make a withdrawl " << endl
				<<"\t3. Make a deposit " << endl
				<<"\t4. Add interest " << endl
				<<"\t5.  Exit " << endl << endl
				<<"Enter Choice: ";
			cin >> choice;
			system ("cls");
	case 1: open_account();
	case 2: account_withdrawl();
	case 3: account_deposit();
	case 4: add_interest();
	case 5: exit();
	cout << "\t Exit main menu" << endl << endl;

}// End of display main menu
	} // End of switch statement
	} // End of loop

void open_account()
// allocate account number, get initial balance and confirmation message that account has been
// created
	cout << "Enter customer first name: ";
	cin >> customer_first_name;
	cout << "Enter customer surname: ";
	cin >> customer_surname;
	cust_account_number = cust_account_number + 1;
	cout << endl << "Enter initial balance: ";
	cin >> balance;
	cout << endl << "Congratulations on opening your new bank account with us" << endl << endl;
	account_exists = 1;


	cout << endl << endl << "Please press any key to return to the main menu" << endl << endl;

void account_withdrawl()
// if account exists prompt user for withdrawal amount if sufficient funds to withdraw cash
// or else print account does not exist message
if (account_exists == 1)
	cout << endl << "Enter how much you wish to withdraw: ";
	cin >> withdrawl;
	if (withdrawl > balance)
	cout << "You have insufficient funds in your bank account to cover this withdrawl!" 
	<< endl;
		balance = balance - withdrawl;
		cout << endl << (char)156 << withdrawl << " has been withdrawn from your account. " << endl;
	} //End of first 'if' statement.
	cout << "Account does not exist!" << endl << "Press any key to return to the main menu. " << endl;

void account_deposit()
/*if account exists prompt for deposit amount, add deposit to balance
else print account does not exist message
end if

if (account_exists == 1)
	cout << "Please enter the amount you wish to deposit: ";
	cin >> deposit;

	balance + balance + deposit;

}// End of True "if" statement

	cout << "Account does not exist!" <<endl << "Press any key to return to the main menu." << endl;


void add_interest()
	float interest_added = 0;

	if (account_exists == 1)
			interest_added = balance * (interest/100);
			cout << (char) 156 << fixed << setprecision(2) <<
interest_added << "has been added to the following account." << endl << endl;
			balance = balance + interest_added;
		} // End of true 'if' statements
		cout << "Account does not exist!" << endl << "Press any key to return to the main menu. " << endl;

void display_account_details()
	cout << "\t Account Details" << endl << endl;
	cout << "\t Customer Name:  " << customer_first_name << " " <<
customer_surname << endl;
	cout << "\t Account Number: " << "00" << account_number << endl;
	cout << "\t Current Balance: " << (char)156 << fixed << setprecision(2)
		<< balance << endl; //(char)156 inserts the symbol '£'.

void main()

I have a few problems on the code for the bank account project, it will be appreciated if you can have a look for me:

Problem 1:

#include "stdafx.h"
In c++ the word include in the above line is highlighted in red.

Problem 2:

} // End of switch statement

} // End of loop

void open_account()// allocate account number, get initial balance and confirmation message that account has been
// created


In c++ the bracket next to // End of loop is highlighted in red.

Problem 3:



void display_account_details()

In c++ the bracket above void display_account_details is highlighted in red.

Problem 4:

void main()

In c++ the both the opening and closing bracket is highlighted in red and also the ; after display_main_menu();
