I have I have two date and time picker boxes with the same dates in them and when I get the date from them they give different result.

SYSTEMTIME st1 = {0}, st2 = {0};

    int r;
    r=SendMessage(hDepart, DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME, 0, (LPARAM)&st1);
    if(r != GDT_VALID) Help("DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME error!");
    r=SendMessage(hReturn, DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME, 0, (LPARAM)&st2);
    if(r != GDT_VALID) Help("DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME error!");

    union timeunion {
        FILETIME fileTime;
        ULARGE_INTEGER ul;
    } ;

    timeunion ft1;
    timeunion ft2;

    SystemTimeToFileTime(&st1, &ft1.fileTime);
    SystemTimeToFileTime(&st2, &ft2.fileTime);

    cout << "time " <<  ft1.ul.QuadPart << endl;
    cout << "time " <<  ft2.ul.QuadPart << endl;
Why don't they give the same result? I would like to compare them.