So i actually solved the problem below, it seems i cant access the WebMethod in app_code folder, is there any way to do it?

Im having a problem making this work. Here is my code.

C# Class

public class GlobalFunctions
    public static string TextBoxCheck(string CurrentText)
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrentText))
            CurrentText = string.Empty;
            return CurrentText;
            CurrentText = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(CurrentText);
            return CurrentText;
And here is my javascript

function CheckTextbox(textBoxID){
    var textBoxText = document.getElementById(textBoxID).value;
    PageMethods.SendForm(textBoxText, OnSucceeded, OnFailed);

function OnSucceeded() {
    document.getElementById(textBoxID).value = CurrentText;

function OnFailed(error) {
   // Alert user to the error.

What happens is from my javascript, i pass the value of the textbox using the "onblur" and then after i run the WebMethod, it will return the result which i want to be passed to the textbox.

i was using the UpdatePanel control and Scriptmanager and page method is true, what i want is to minimize the data being passed, instead of getting and requesting the data of the whole panel, i only want to get the data of the textbox after running the code.


is it possible to run the code of the textbox in codebehind like "Textbox_TextChanged" and then retrieving the data using ajax and not update panel.