Can anyone PLEASE PLEASE help me with this program on arrays?

I have been trying to start this code but I can't figure out how to do this program ( I know it is unfair but could anyone please do this program because this homework is due in two days and I have a final in the upcoming week. ( I honestly dont have time at all) and I need to get credit for homework as my grade is very low right now.

Please help I would greatly appreciate it.

These are the following directions to the program:

1. )A function that takes, as input, an out parameter that is a 10 x 14 two-dimensional
array and initializes every location in the array to a blank space.

2.) A function that takes, as input, an in/out parameter that is a 10 x 14 two-dimensional
array and an in parameter that is a plaintext message. The function should then ll
the two-dimensional array row wise with letters of the string like shown in the example

3.) A function that takes, as input, an in/out parameter that is a 10 x 14 two-dimensional
array and an in parameter that is a ciphertext message. The function should then ll
the two-dimensional array column wise with letters of the string like discussed above.

4.) A function that takes, as input, an in parameter that is a plaintext message and
returns a ciphertext message. This function should encrypt the plaintext message
using columnar transposition. You will need to call the function that initializes the
two- dimensional array and the function that lls the two-dimensional array row wise
to successfully write this function.