Good Morning:
I have been working on this function for two days and I cannot get it to compile. Can someone please help me? Here are the instructions for the function:
Write a function named analyzeString. This function is passed a null terminated string as the first parameter. The function uses 3 reference parameters to return the number of vowels, the number of consonants, and the number of separator characters. Assume a separator character is a space, a tab, or a newline. The function declaration is as follows:
void analyzeString (char inputString [], int & numVowels, int & numConsonants, int & numSeparators);
Here is the code that I have so far:

/* This program will test the
"void analyzeString ( char inputString [], int & numVowels,
int & numConsonants, int & numSeparators)" function*/
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void analyzeString ( char inputString [], int & numVowels,
int & numConsonants, int & numSeparators);
void main()
const int SIZE = 100;
char inputString [SIZE] = {'l', 'D', '\t', ' ', 's','P','\0'};
int numVowels, numConsonants, numSeparators;
numVowels = numConsonants = numSeparators = 0;

analyzeString (inputString, numVowels,
numConsonants, numSeparators);
cout << numVowels <<'\n';
cout <<numConsonants <<'\n';
cout <<numSeparators <<'\n';

* This function will count the number of vowels,
consonants, and separator characters in a string */

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void analyzeString ( char inputString [], int & numVowels, int & numConsonants, int & numSeparators)
char ch;
ch = inputString[0];
numVowels = 0;
numConsonants = 0;
numSeparators = 0;
int increment = 0;

cout << "in funct \n";
while ( ch != '\0')
if ( ch == 65 || ch == 69 || ch == 73 || ch == 79 || ch == 85 || //check for vowels
ch == 97 || ch == 101 || ch == 105 || ch == 111 || ch == 117)

if (( ch != 65 && ch != 69 && ch != 73 && ch != 79 && ch != 85 && //check for consonants
ch != 97 && ch != 101 && ch != 105 && ch != 111 && ch != 117)
&& (ch >= 65 && ch <= 90 || ch >= 97 && ch <= 122))

} inputString [increment++];

}The loop does not increment, it is a runaway.