I need to read record dataset from two date time in a ACCESS DATABASE. the program is given below

kname = Path & "\DATABASE\HYDROMETEO.mdb"
cn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
cn.Open kname
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cn
rs1.CursorLocation = adUseClient

bname = "Rain"
SQL = "select R1, R2 from " & bname & " where DT1 between " & CStr(DateBegin) & " and " & CStr(DateOver) & " order by DT1 asc"
rs1.Open SQL, cn
however, I cannot fulfill this task. where DateBegin & DateOver is date time format such as 1900/07/01 12:30:00. If I deleted the time in the date time format, it runs normally. So I wonder if anyone can give me some advices on this error. Thank you.