Hello. I have recently found a great way to send SMS messages from Python. It turns out, it is easy to send messages from Python using HTTP requestes and a software called Ozeki NG SMS Gateway. I downloaded and configured the software (they have great config info on their website) and then I use the sample source code:

## Ozeki NG - SMS Gateway Python example ##


import urllib


### Ozeki NG informations ###


host = ""

user_name = "admin"

user_password = "abc123"

recipient = "+36304080332"

message_body = "Hello World from Python"


### Putting together the final HTTP Request ###


http_req = host

http_req += ":9501/api?action=sendmessage&username="

http_req += urllib.quote(user_name)

http_req += "&password="

http_req += urllib.quote(user_password)

http_req += "&recipient="

http_req += urllib.quote(recipient)

http_req += "&messagetype=SMS:TEXT&messagedata="

http_req += urllib.quote(message_body)


#### Sending the message ###


get = urllib.urlopen(http_req)

req = get.read()



### Verifying the response ###


if req.find("Message accepted for delivery") > 1:

print "Message successfully sent"


print "Message not sent! Please check your settings!"

It was that easy. More useful info on: http://ozekisms.com/index.php?owpn=607
Have a nice day!