Hey everyone,

I'm having issues priming the with the GetPrices function within my receipt generator program. Essentially, I am only able to enter in a single numerical value for the price. I release it's because I have a logic error within my do-while loop, but I'm having trouble converting that logic into a priming loop form.

Ideally, I would like to input a series of numbers, each followed by a bool prompt after each entry asking "Do you want to input another value?" When the entry is finished, the application will generate a receipt that lists subtotal, tax, and the grand total.

Essentially, the logic is as follows:

1. Display price prompt
2. Get price information
3. Display continue prompt
4. Get continue answer
5. Loop to #1 while continue answer is "Y" or "y"

My issue is that I can't figure out how to implement steps 4 and 5 within my program. I would greatly appreciate your help, as I am a complete newbie when it comes to C#.

Thanks in advance!

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;

namespace ProgramName
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<double> prices; 
            double subtotal;
            double tax;
            double taxValue = 0.09; //the rate of tax to be paid; in this case, 9% 

            double total;

            prices = GetPrices(); //capitalize all words in functions; variables start with a lowercase
            subtotal = CalcSubtotal(prices);
            tax = CalcTax(subtotal, taxValue);
            total = Total(subtotal, tax);
            PrintReceipt(prices, subtotal, tax, total);

        static List<double> GetPrices()
            List<double> prices = new List<double>();  //creates an array for us, so all we have to do is add and subtract

            //To Do: Get Prices
            string buffer;
            double price;
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the price of the item.");
                buffer = Console.ReadLine();

                if (double.TryParse(buffer, out price))
                    Console.WriteLine("Incorrect data was input. Please enter the price as a numerical value.");
                    buffer = Console.ReadLine();

               Console.WriteLine("Do you wish to add more items? Please type either Y or N and press the enter key.");
            if (Console.ReadLine("Y" || "y"));  //my latest additions here

            else if (Console.ReadLine("N" || "n"));
             Console.WriteLine("Processing your receipt.");

            while (buffer == "Y" || buffer == "y");

            return prices;

        static double CalcSubtotal(List<double> prices)

            double subtotal = 0.00;
            foreach (double temp in prices)

                subtotal += temp;
            return subtotal;
            //function that calculates the subtotal by taking 

         static double Total (double subtotal, double tax)
         double total = 0.00;

         total=subtotal + tax;
         return total;

        static double CalcTax(double subtotal, double taxValue)

            double tax;
            tax = subtotal * taxValue;
            return tax;


         static void PrintReceipt(List<double> prices, double subtotal, double total, double tax)
             Console.WriteLine("Welcome to our store!");
                 foreach (double temp in prices)


             Console.WriteLine("The subtotal is..." + subtotal);
             Console.WriteLine("The amount of tax to be paid is..."+ tax);
             Console.WriteLine("The grand total is..." + total);
             Console.WriteLine("Thank you for shopping with us!");
