I''m new to c++ and I am having problems with linked lists. I feel as if I have a descent amount of the code correct, but my output as not the same as how it should be. I know I am not iterating through my list, but I can't really seem to figure out how to correct this. Here is the screenshot of the output its suppose to produce.

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Size:  32.9 KB

this is my code so far.
my LList.h

    #ifndef LList_h
    #define LList_h

    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstddef>
    #include "node.h"

    class LList
	LList(void);			//constructor
	LList(const LList &);	//copy constructor
	~LList();			//destructor
	void displayList();
	LList *next;			//points to next node
	void push_back(const string &str);
	void push_front(const string &str);
	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const LList& llist);
	LList &operator=(const LList &l);		

	Node *_head;
	Node *_tail;
	LList *front;		//points to front of the list
	string _str;

    inline LList::LList(void)
	cerr << "head = tail = 0 at 0024f8d0\n";

	_head = 0;
	_tail = 0;
	front = 0;

    inline void LList::push_back(const string &_str)
	Node *p = new Node(_str);
	if (_tail == 0)
		_head = _tail = p;
		_tail ->next(p);
		_tail = p;
	if (_head == 0)
		_head = _tail = p;
		_head ->next(p);
		_head = p;

    inline void LList::push_front(const string &_str)
	Node *p = new Node(_str);
	if (_tail == 0)
		_head = _tail = p;
		_tail ->next(p);
		_tail = p;
	if (_head == 0)
		_head = _tail = p;
		_head ->next(p);
		_head = p;


    ostream &operator <<( ostream &out, const LList & llist )
    for( LList *p = LList._head; p != 0; p = p -> next )
        out << p;

    return out;

    LList & LList::operator=(const LList &l)
    _head = 0;
	_tail = 0;
	return *this;

    inline LList::~LList()
	//delete _head;
	//delete _tail;

    /*inline LList::~LList( )
	Node *p = new Node (_str);

	if ( _head == 0)
		_head = p;
	Node *q;
		for (q = _head; q->next(); q = q -> next)
		//loop until we have
		//q pointing to the last node
	q->next ( p);	//last node points to p
    }		//_head still points to the first node

    } */

and this is my main.cpp file

#include "LList.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main( )
    LList a;

    a.push_back(  "30" );
    a.push_front( "20" );
    a.push_back(  "40" );
    a.push_front( "10" );
    a.push_back(  "50" );

    cout << "list a:\n" << a << '\n';
    return 0;

my errors and changes would only be made to my LList.h file. But what is happening is I only get the output to say list a: but my list is not there. any ideas?