

# include <iostream>
# include <map>
# include <boost/variant.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/contains.hpp>
# include <boost/bind.hpp>
# include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>

// Generic visitor that does magical dispatching of
// types and delegates passes down to your visitor only
// those types specified in a type list.
template <typename Visitor, typename TypeList>
struct lets_see :
  public boost::static_visitor<void>,
  public Visitor
    template <typename T>
    inline void operator () 
        ( T v, typename boost::enable_if< 
          typename boost::mpl::contains< TypeList, T >::type >::type *dummy = NULL ) const
        Visitor::operator () (v);

    template <typename T>
    inline void operator () 
        ( T v, 
          typename boost::disable_if < 
             typename boost::mpl::contains< TypeList, T >::type >::type *dummy = NULL ) const

struct nil { int x ; };
struct example_visitor
  typedef lets_see
      < example_visitor, 
        boost::mpl::vector<nil, char, int > > value_type;

  inline void operator () (char v) const {
    std::cout << "character detected" << std::endl;

  inline void operator () (int v) const {
    std::cout << "integer detected=" << v << std::endl;

  inline void operator () (nil v) const {
    std::cout << "nil detected=" << v.x << std::endl;

template < typename T >
class Foo {
protected :

  typedef boost::variant <  
       nil, char, int, double 
   > sql_field;
  T visitor  ;
  typedef std::map< unsigned int , Foo <T>* > FooMap;
  static FooMap mFooMap;

public :
   static Foo <T>* createInstance( unsigned int const );
   void Register( unsigned int const, Foo< T >* );
   virtual void doWork () ;
template < typename T>
typename Foo<T>::FooMap Foo<T>::mFooMap; 

template < typename T>
Foo<T>* Foo<T>::createInstance( unsigned int const in ) {
  FooMap::iterator it = mFooMap.find( in ); 
  if ( it != mFooMap.end() ) {
    return ( it->second );
  } else {
    return 0 ;

template < typename T>
void Foo<T>::Register( unsigned int const in, Foo<T>* factory ) {
  mFooMap.insert( FooMap::value_type( in, factory ) );
template < typename T>
void Foo<T>::doWork() {}

template <typename T>
class Bar : public Foo <T> {
// Bar( const bar& );
public :
  Bar( unsigned int a )  {
    Register ( a, this ) ;

  static Bar mBar;

  void doWork () {  
    sql_field intField ( 1 );
//    using Foo<T>::visitor ;
    boost::apply_visitor ( typename Foo<T>::visitor(), intField  );
//    boost::apply_visitor (  Foo<T>::visitor(), intField  );
    std::cout << "Work done" << std::endl; 

template < typename T>
Bar<T> Bar<T>::mBar;

int main() {

  try {
    typedef Foo <example_visitor::value_type> FooValueType;
    //Bar <example_visitor::value_type> b ( 5 );
    Bar <FooValueType> b ( 5 );
    Foo <FooValueType>* ptr = Foo<FooValueType>::createInstance ( 5 ) ;
    if ( ptr )  {
  } catch ( const std::exception& e ) {
    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "[done]" << std::endl;
  std::cin.get()  ;

I get compilation error at boost::apply_visitor. The question: How do I pass a dependent type to boost::apply_visitor?