I have two functions bool check_key(string cKey, string eKey) and bool check_digit(char digit1, char digit2), and I have declared both of them globally (is this the right terminology?) right after the "using namespace std;" and right before the "int main(){".

In the first one, I called the second one . But it is giving me the error: "no match for call to `(std::string) (int&)' ".

I am not sure how to fix this.

bool check_key(string cKey, string eKey)
     if(cKey!="" && eKey=="") return false;
     if(cKey=="" && eKey=="") return true;
     if(cKey=="" && eKey!="") return true;
     if(cKey.length()!= eKey.length()) return false;
     bool flag=true;
     bool one_digit_wrong=false;
     for(int i=0;i<cKey.length();i++)
                                                     flag=flag && check_digit(cKey[i],eKey(i));  //ERROR OCCURS HERE
                                 else return false;
     return flag;

bool check_digit(char digit1, char digit2)
     int num = atoi(&digit1);
     string allowed = allowed_errors[num-1];
     for(int i=0; i<allowed.length();i++)
             if(digit2==allowed[i]) return true;
     return false;