I have been on this program pretty much the whole day started it from scratch now i am stuck getting
"Unhandled exception at 0x7531812f in testingCodes.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std::bad_alloc at memory location 0x00211370.."

but i can't figure it out so before i change some of my codes I will hope someone could point out the problem here.
Thanks in advance...

//This program open three files each has 1000 names that i utilize to create email as many unique email addresses i could get
//2000 first names and 1000 last names i have come to the point where i could generate the email addresses but I still have lef//t to let the user enter how many millions of email wants to generate based on that generate that amount

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

#define MAX 100000

string emails[MAX];

int main()
int e, f, ff, gf, i, j, k, l, m, n, num;
char Init[1000];

string STRING1;
string STRING2;
string STRING3;

string adds[5] = {"@hotmail.com", "@yahoo.com", "@gmail.com", "@msn.com", "@excite.com"};
string ffstName[1000];
string gfstName[1000];
string lstNames[1000];

string InitL[1000];

string emailsL[5000];
string emailsI[5000];

ifstream infile1;
ifstream infile2;
ifstream infile3;

infile1.open ("fmlsFName.txt");
infile2.open ("guysFName.txt");
infile3.open ("LstName.txt");

cout << "Enter the number of emails to generate in millions: " ;
cin >> num;
cout <<endl;

int cnt = num * 1000, cntEAd = 1, maxCnt = MAX/(cnt);

//cout <<endl;
//cout << "Here where it starts entering the LADIES email address" <<endl;
//cout <<endl;

while(getline(infile1, STRING1))
{//ff for females first name count
for(ff = 0; ff < 999; ++ff)
infile1 >> ffstName[ff];

for(n = 0; n < lstNames[ ff ].size(); ++n)
// InitF[n] = lstNames[n][0];
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
// cout << ffstName[ff];
// cout << adds[i] <<endl;


//cout <<endl;
//cout << "Here where it starts entering the GUYS email address" <<endl;
//cout <<endl;


while(getline(infile2, STRING2))
{//gf for guys first name count
for(gf = 0; gf < 999; ++gf)
infile2 >> gfstName[gf];

for(n = 0; n < lstNames[ gf ].size(); ++n)
// InitG[n] = lstNames[n][0];
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
// cout << gfstName[gf];
// cout << adds[i] <<endl;


//cout <<endl;
//cout << "Here where it starts entering email address based on LAST NAME" <<endl;
//cout <<endl;


while(getline(infile3, STRING3))
for(l = 0; l < 999; ++l)
{//l for last name count
infile3 >> lstNames[l];

for(n = 0; n < lstNames[ l ].size(); ++n)
InitL[n] = lstNames[n][0];
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
// cout << lstNames[l] + adds[i] <<endl;
// cout << Init[n] + adds[i] <<endl;
emailsL[l] = lstNames[l] + adds[i];
emailsI[n] = Init[n] + adds[i];


for(e = 0; e < MAX; e++)
{//e for email address count
emails[e] = emailsL[e];
cout << "The number of emails generated are: " << cntEAd <<endl;

//}while(cntEAd <= cnt);
for(f = 0; f < num - 1; f++)
{//f for first name count ex: fstName[0] = abiye
for(l = 0; l < 999; l++)
{//l for last name count ex: lstName[0] = ketema
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
{//i for email prvdrs count ex: abiyeketema@hotmail.com
cout << ffstName[f] + lstNames[l] + adds[i] <<endl;
cout << InitF[f] +"_"+lstNames[l] + adds[i] <<endl;
cout << gfstName[f] + lstNames[l] + adds[i] <<endl;
cout << InitG[f] +"_"+lstNames[l] + adds[i] <<endl;
cout << lstNames[l] + ffstName[f] + adds[i] <<endl;
cout << InitL[l] +"_"+ffstName[f] + adds[i] <<endl;
cout << lstNames[l] + gfstName[f] + adds[i] <<endl;
cout << InitL[l] +"_"+gfstName[f] + adds[i] <<endl;
cout << InitL[l] + "_" + InitF[f] + adds[i] <<endl;
cout << InitL[l] + "_" + InitG[f] + adds[i] <<endl;

system ("pause");

return 0;