Hi, I has the following codes to encrypte the password user enter:

    Public Function fnEncrypt(ByVal sString As String, ByVal lLEn As Long) As String
        Dim I As Long
        Dim NewChar As Long
        I = 1
        Do Until I = lLEn + 1
            NewChar = Asc(Mid(sString, I, 1))
            NewChar = ((NewChar - 32 + 13) Mod 95) + 32     'avaible keyboard from ASCII 32 to 126
            fnEncrypt = fnEncrypt + Chr(NewChar)
            I = I + 1
        Return fnEncrypt
    End Function
For eg. User enter 123456, the password will be encrypte become >?@ABC.

How can I write my codes to decode it from >?@ABC become 123456?