Hello, sorry but I am superlost with this, any help will be very welcome.

Thank you.

/* Modify the program of Programming Challenge 1 to allow the user to enter name-score
pairs. For each student taking a test, the user types a string representing the name of the
student, followed by an integer representing the student’s score. Modify both the sorting
and average-calculating functions so they take arrays of structures, with each structure
containing the name and score of a single student. In traversing the arrays, use pointers
rather than array indices.*/

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

struct Score { string name; int score;};

void bubbleSort(double scores[], int numScores); 
void average (double scores[], int numScores);

int main (){
	Score *pscores;	int numScores, count; 

	cout << "How many scores are you entering? "; 
	cin >> numScores;  

	while (numScores <=0) 
	cin >> numScores; }

	scores = new double [numScores]
	Score *pscores[numScores] = new Score ; 
	cout << "Enter the scores:\n";

	for (count = 0; count < numScores; count++)
{ cout << "Enter name:" << (count + 1) << ": \t";  
	cin >> pscores->name; 
while (pscores[count] <=0)
{cout << "ENTER MORE THAN 0\n"; cout << "Test Score #" << (count + 1) << ": "; cin >>pscores->score;}


	delete [] pscores;	
	pscores = 0;	
	return 0; }

void bubbleSort(Score pscores[], int numScores)
	bool swap;
{ swap = false; 
for(int index = 0; index < numScores - 1; index++)
	if(pscores[index] > pscores[index + 1])
{ double temp = pscores[index]; pscores[index] = pscores[index+1]; pscores[index+1] = temp; swap = true; }	
}while (swap); 
cout<<"\nIN ASCENDING ORDER:\n"<<endl;
for(int count = 0; count < numScores; count++) 
	cout<<" "<<pscores->score[count];

void average (Score pscores[], int numScores)
{	double total= 0, average = 0; 
for (int count = 0; count < numScores; count++)
{ total += pscores[count]; }
	average = total / numScores;
 	cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
	cout << "\n\nAverage score is: " << average << endl<< endl;