Hello, I am trying to use a red-black tree, STL Map, to read in a file that counts the words while ignoring punctuation and converting all words to lowercase. My problem occurs when I try to print and nothing outputs to the screen. I think it has something to do with my for loop in my print function. I have looked over it many times along with some of my fellow students and everyone seems to think it too should be working. I probably have done something stupid and really would appreciate an expert or someone who knows this more than I do to point out my mistake, anything, thanks.

Header file
#ifndef MAP_H
#define MAP_H
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Map
	//map<string, int> words;
	void inputFile(char inputfile[]);// read file
	void insertTree(string new_word, map<string, int> &tree);//insert
	void print(map<string, int> &tree);// print
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "Map.h"

using namespace std;

void Map::inputFile(char inputfile[])// read file
	ifstream infile;
	int j;
	char lowercase;
	map<string, int> words;
	string str_1, str_2;
	while(infile >> str_1)
		for(int i = 0, a = 0; i < str_1.length(); i++)
			char &letter = str_1[i];
			if(letter < 'A' || (letter > 'Z' && letter < 'a') || letter >'z') // only alphabet characters
				for(int j = 0; j < str_1.length(); j++)
					str_1[j] = tolower(str_1[j]); // make all lowercase

				str_2 = str_1.substr(a, i - a);
				a = i +1;
				if(str_2.length() > 0)
					insertTree(str_2, words); // insert into the tree
void Map::insertTree(string new_word, map<string, int> &tree)
//	cout << "Insert" << endl;
	if(tree.find(new_word) == tree.end()) //Word is not currently in the tree
		tree[new_word] = 1;
	else //Word is in the tree 
 		tree[new_word] = tree[new_word] + 1;
void Map::print(map<string, int> &tree)// print
//	cout << "Out print" << endl;
	for (map<string, int>::iterator print_it = tree.begin(); print_it != tree.end(); ++print_it)
//		cout << "printing" << endl;	
		cout << print_it -> first << " => " << print_it -> second << '\n'; //.first is the data member, .second is the data.
#include <iostream>
#include <map> //Map
#include <string> //String
#include "Map.h"

using namespace std;

//void incrementTree(string new_word, map<string, int> &tree);
//void printTree(map<string, int> &tree);

int main() {
  int choice;
  char inputfile[100];
  //The key (index for the tree) is a string value, the data we store in the tree is an integer value.
  //Note that unlike the example from class, we are distinguishing here between the key and data.
  map<string, int> words;
  Map mapper;
  cout << "********Menu********" << endl;
  cout << "1.) Please enter a file for input. " << endl;
  cout << "2.) Print" << endl;
  cout << "3.) Exit" << endl;
  cout << "Please make a choice: ";
  cin >> choice;

  while(choice <= 3 || choice >= 1)
		case 1 : cout << "Filename: ";
		         cin >> inputfile;
		case 2 : mapper.print(words);
		case 3 : cout << "Exiting." << endl;
			 goto Exit;
		default: cout << "ERROR!...Re-prompting input." << endl;
	goto Menu;

 // incrementTree("the", words);
 //incrementTree("quick", words);
// incrementTree("brown", words);
  //incrementTree("fox", words);
  //incrementTree("jumped", words);
  //incrementTree("over", words);
  //incrementTree("the", words);
  //incrementTree("lazy", words);
  //incrementTree("dog", words);



  return 0;

void incrementTree(string new_word, map<string, int> &tree) {
  //Word is not currently in the tree
  if(tree.find(new_word) == tree.end()) {
    tree[new_word] = 1;
  //Word is in the tree
  else {
    tree[new_word] = tree[new_word] + 1;

void printTree(map<string, int> &tree) {
  for (map<string, int>::iterator print_it=tree.begin(); print_it!=tree.end(); ++print_it)
    //.first is the data member, .second is the data.
    cout << print_it->first << " => " << print_it->second << '\n';
Thanks to all in advance.