Trying to show the Row totals and the Column totals.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
{ /* start of main */
#define NUMROWS 5 /* establishes NUMROWS as 5 */
#define NUMCOLS 5 /* establishes NUMCOLS as 5 */
int val[NUMROWS][NUMCOLS] = { {23,06,85,22,01}, /* declares array val to have 5 rows and 5 columns */
{61,25,02,04,69} }; /* initializes array val */

printf("\nRow 0 %d %d %d %d %d", val[0][0], val[0][1], val[0][2], val[0][3], val[0][4]);
printf("\nRow 1 %d %d %d %d %d", val[1][0], val[1][1], val[1][2], val[1][3], val[1][4]);
printf("\nRow 2 %d %d %d %d %d", val[2][0], val[2][1], val[2][2], val[2][3], val[2][4]);
printf("\nRow 3 %d %d %d %d %d", val[3][0], val[3][1], val[3][2], val[3][3], val[3][4]);
printf("\nRow 4 %d %d %d %d %d", val[4][0], val[4][1], val[4][2], val[4][3], val[4][4]);

int sumrow0, sumrow1, sumrow2, sumrow3, sumrow4; /* declares sumrow0, sumrow1, sumrow2, sumrow3, sumrow4 to be a int variable */
sumrow0 = val[0][0] + val[0][1] = val[0][2] + val[0][3] + val[0][4];
sumrow1 = val[1][0] + val[1][1] = val[1][2] + val[1][3] + val[1][4];
sumrow2 = val[2][0] + val[2][1] = val[2][2] + val[2][3] + val[2][4];
sumrow3 = val[3][0] + val[3][1] = val[3][2] + val[3][3] + val[3][4];
sumrow4 = val[4][0] + val[4][1] = val[4][2] + val[4][3] + val[4][4];

int sumcol0, sumcol1, sumcol2, sumcol3, sumcol4; /* declares sumcol0, sumcol1, sumcol2, sumcol3, sumcol4 to be a int variable */
sumcol0 = val[0][0] + val[1][0] = val[2][0] + val[3][0] + val[4][0];
sumcol1 = val[0][1] + val[1][1] = val[2][1] + val[3][1] + val[4][1];
sumcol2 = val[0][2] + val[1][2] = val[2][2] + val[3][2] + val[4][2];
sumcol3 = val[0][3] + val[1][3] = val[2][3] + val[3][3] + val[4][3];
sumcol4 = val[0][4] + val[1][4] = val[2][4] + val[3][4] + val[4][4];

#define ROWTOTALS 5 /* establishes ROWTOTALS containing 5 numbers */
int row[ROWTOTALS] = { sumrow0, sumrow1, sumrow2, sumrow3, sumrow4 };

#define COLTOTALS 5 /* establishes COLTOTALS containing 5 numbers */
int col[COLTOTALS] = { sumcol0, sumcol1, sumcol2, sumcol3, sumcol4 };

printf("\nRow totals: %d", row);
printf("\nColumn totals: %d", col);

return 0;

I receive this message after building:

1>------ Build started: Project: WA 4 A 1 Christopher Caron, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1> WA 4 A 1 Christopher Caron.cpp
1>c:\users\chris\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 a 1 christopher caron.cpp(21): error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value
1>c:\users\chris\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 a 1 christopher caron.cpp(22): error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value
1>c:\users\chris\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 a 1 christopher caron.cpp(23): error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value
1>c:\users\chris\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 a 1 christopher caron.cpp(24): error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value
1>c:\users\chris\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 a 1 christopher caron.cpp(25): error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value
1>c:\users\chris\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 a 1 christopher caron.cpp(28): error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value
1>c:\users\chris\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 a 1 christopher caron.cpp(29): error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value
1>c:\users\chris\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 a 1 christopher caron.cpp(30): error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value
1>c:\users\chris\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 a 1 christopher caron.cpp(31): error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value
1>c:\users\chris\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 christopher caron\wa 4 a 1 christopher caron.cpp(32): error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Any thoughts?