I beginner for VB.Net programming,
MS-Access is my DataBase, According to database single person has Few Rows. That mean when their repeat comes new row (record) will be added.
In Repeat Table of database has Few Fields like "PerID", "Repeat Times", "Company", "Date"

I need create Tab Pages to equal of repeat times and insert other Details into that Tab Page.

I code like this and its creates Tab Pages equal to repeat time. If person comes repeatedly 04 times Tab Control will added 04 New pages into Tab Control.

Dim newPageAA As New TabPage()
          Dim RecCount As Integer

            While QReaderQ.Read()
                RecCount = RecCount + 1 ' Count How many Rows
            End While


            For xXx = 1 To RecCount 
                newPageAA = New TabPage   'create new instance

                If xXx = 1 Then
                    newPageAA.Text = "Repeat - 1"
                    newPageAA.Text = "Repeat - " & xXx.ToString
                End If
Now I want to put other details ("PerID", "Repeat Times", "Company", "Date") into Tab Pages with Text Boxes or Labels.
In 1st Tab page -----> I want to see 1st repeat time "PerID", "Repeat Times", "Company", "Date"
In 4th Tab page -----> I want to see 4th repeat time "PerID", "Repeat Times", "Company", "Date" .......
Please tell me, how to do this..
I not asking full code, but show me with little example code, because I am beginner for VB.Net.