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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    how do i convert xml attributes to c++ class using tinyxml

    Hey i am trying to create a firework display by reading in the fireworks off a .xml file, which will then iterate through and launch each firework.

    I followed a tutorial on dinomage to find out how to use tinyxml, i learnt that i can store the attributes into char pointers but i dont know how to convert them to GLfloats to store them in my class variables.

    I did try using atof but when i ran the program i got loads of errors which im guessing is because the pointer only stores the address which im passing to my variable.

    can anybody point out where im going wrong and how i can go about fixing the issue?


    i have found out that tinyxml is not compatible with vs2010 but tinyxml 2 is, so i have changed my code but am still having trouble loading my attributes i have added error checking, and it prints out that the xml has loaded but then it wont load the root

    updated code

    my code: Firework.h

        #ifndef FIREWORK_H
    #define FIREWORK_H
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <GL\GL.h>
    #include <string>
    const GLint particles= 50;
     class Firework
                GLint x[particles];
                GLint y[particles];
                GLint VelX[particles];
                GLint VelY[particles];
                GLint Xpos;
                GLint Ypos;
                GLint Xspeed;
                GLint Yspeed;
                unsigned char red;
                unsigned char blue;
                unsigned char green;
                GLfloat alpha;
                GLfloat redStart;
                GLfloat blueStart;
                GLfloat greenStart;
                std::string hexColour;
                std::string type;
                GLint timeUntilLaunch;
                GLint startTime;
                GLint endTime;
                GLint duration;
                GLfloat particleSize;
                GLboolean hasExploded;
                GLboolean rocket, fountain;
                static const GLfloat gravity;
                static const GLfloat baseYSpeed;
                static const GLfloat maxYSpeed;
                void initialise();
                void move();
                void explode();

     #include "Firework.h"
    #include "tinyxml2.h"
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    using namespace std;
    const GLfloat Firework::gravity = 0.05f;
    const GLfloat Firework::baseYSpeed = -4.0f;
    const GLfloat Firework::maxYSpeed = -4.0f;
    //int QueryAttributeStatus = elem->FirstChildElement("begin")- >QueryFloatAttribute(attr,&timeUntillLaunch);
    int convertFromHex(string hex)
        int value = 0;
        int a = 0;
        int b = hex.length() - 1;
        for (; b >= 0; a++, b--)
            if (hex[b] >= '0' && hex[b] <= '9')
                value += (hex[b] - '0') * (1 << (a * 4));
                switch (hex[b])
                    case 'A':
                    case 'a':
                        value += 10 * (1 << (a * 4));
                    case 'B':
                    case 'b':
                        value += 11 * (1 << (a * 4));
                    case 'C':
                    case 'c':
                        value += 12 * (1 << (a * 4));
                    case 'D':
                    case 'd':
                        value += 13 * (1 << (a * 4));
                    case 'E':
                    case 'e':
                        value += 14 * (1 << (a * 4));
                    case 'F':
                    case 'f':
                        value += 15 * (1 << (a * 4));
                        cout << "Error, invalid charactare '" << hex[a] << "' in hex number" << endl;
    	    return value;
    void hextodec(string hex, vector<unsigned char>& rgb)
    	since there is no prefix attached to hex, use this code
        string redString = hex.substr(0, 2);
        string greenString = hex.substr(2, 2);
        string blueString = hex.substr(4, 2);
        if the prefix # was attached to hex, use the following code
        string redString = hex.substr(1, 2);
        string greenString = hex.substr(3, 2);
        string blueString = hex.substr(5, 2);
        //if the prefix 0x was attached to hex, use the following code
        string redString = hex.substr(2, 2);
        string greenString = hex.substr(4, 2);
        string blueString = hex.substr(6, 2);
        unsigned char red = (unsigned char)(convertFromHex(redString));
        unsigned char green = (unsigned char)(convertFromHex(greenString));
        unsigned char blue = (unsigned char)(convertFromHex(blueString));
        rgb[0] = red;
        rgb[1] = green;
        rgb[2] = blue;
    void Firework::initialise()
    	tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc;
    	doc.LoadFile( "fireworks.xml");
    	if (!doc.LoadFile("fireworks.xml"))
    		std::cout<<"Failed to load file: no xml"<<endl;
    		std::cout<<"loaded xml"<<endl;
    		tinyxml2::XMLElement * root = doc.FirstChildElement();
    		if (root == NULL)
    			std::cout<<"Failed to load file: no root element."<<endl;
    			std::cout<<"root node loaded"<<endl;
    		for (tinyxml2::XMLElement* elem = root ->FirstChildElement(); elem!=NULL; elem = elem->NextSiblingElement())
    			string elemName = elem->Value();
    			const char* attr;
    			if (elemName == "Firework")
    				attr = elem->Attribute("begin");
    				if(attr != NULL)
    				attr = elem->Attribute("type");
    				if (attr != NULL)
    					type = elem->GetText();
    					if (type != "")
    						std::cout<<"have something"<<endl; 
    				attr = elem ->Attribute("colour");
    				if (attr !=NULL)
    					hexColour= elem->GetText();
    					 vector<unsigned char> rgbColor(3);
    					 red =int(rgbColor[0]);
    					 blue = int(rgbColor[1]);
    					 green= int(rgbColor[2]);
    				attr = elem->Attribute("duration");
    				if (attr !=NULL)
    					elem->QueryIntAttribute("duration", &endTime);
    				for (tinyxml2::XMLElement * e =elem ->FirstChildElement("Position"); e != NULL; e = e->NextSiblingElement("Position"))
    					attr = e->Attribute("x");
    					if (attr != NULL)
    						Xpos = e->QueryIntAttribute("x", &Xpos);
    					attr = e->Attribute("y");
    					if (attr != NULL)
    						Ypos = e->QueryIntAttribute("y", &Ypos);
    				for(tinyxml2::XMLElement * v =elem ->FirstChildElement("Velocity"); v !=NULL; v = v->NextSiblingElement("Velocity"))
    					attr = v -> Attribute("x");
    						if (attr != NULL)
    						Xspeed = v ->QueryIntAttribute("x", &Xspeed);
    					attr = v ->Attribute ("y");
    						if (attr !=NULL)
    						Yspeed = v ->QueryIntAttribute("y", &Yspeed);
    	//Setting initial x/y locations and speeds for each particle
    	for (int loop = 0; loop < particles; loop++)
    		x[loop] = Xpos;
    		y[loop] = Ypos;
    		VelX[loop] = Xspeed;
    		VelY[loop] = Yspeed;
    	//intiallising the colour and full alpha
    	redStart   = 0.85f;//((float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX);
        greenStart = 0.55f;//((float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX);
        blueStart  = 0.01f;//((float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX);
    	alpha = 1.0f;
    	timeUntilLaunch = startTime;
    	duration = endTime;
    	particleSize = 1.0f + ((float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX)* 3.0f;
    	hasExploded = false;
    void Firework::move()
    	for (int loop = 0; loop < particles; loop++)
    		if (timeUntilLaunch <= 0)
            	x[loop] += VelX [loop];
    			y[loop] += VelY [loop];
    			VelY[loop] += Firework::gravity;
    			duration --;
    	timeUntilLaunch --;
    	if (duration <= 0)
    		for (int loop2 = 0; loop2 < particles; loop2++)
    			VelX[loop2] = -4 + (rand() / (int)RAND_MAX)*8;
    			VelY[loop2] = -4 + (rand() / (int)RAND_MAX)*8;
    		 hasExploded = true;
    void Firework::explode()
    	   for (int loop = 0; loop < particles; loop++)
            // Dampen the horizontal speed by 1% per frame
           VelX[loop] *= 0.99f;
            // Move the particle
            x[loop] += VelX[loop];
            y[loop] += VelY[loop];
            // Apply gravity to the particle's speed
            VelY[loop] += Firework::gravity;
        // Fade out the particles (alpha is stored per firework, not per particle)
        if (alpha > 0.0f)
            alpha -= 0.01f;
        else // Once the alpha hits zero, then reset the firework

    #include <iostream>
    #include <ctime>
    #include <time.h>
    #include <windows.h> // *** IMPORTANT: Uncomment for Win32 systems - This must come -BEFORE- gl.h in the include list! ***
    #include "GL\glfw.h"
    #include "Firework.h"
    #include <GL\GL.h>
    #include <GL/glu.h>
    #include "tinyxml2.h"
    #pragma comment(lib, "opengl32.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib, "lib/glfw/GLFW.lib")
     using namespace std;
     GLint windowWidth = 1024;
     GLint windowHeight = 600;
     GLint frameCount =0;
     GLint texture;
     const int FIREWORKS = 15; // Number of fireworks
     Firework fw[FIREWORKS];
     void initGL()
         glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei)windowWidth, (GLsizei)windowHeight);
         glOrtho(0, windowWidth, windowHeight, 0, 0, 1);
        // Set our clear colour to opaque black
        glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        // Disable depth testing (because we're working in 2D!)
        // Enable blending (we need this to be able to use an alpha component)
        // Set the accumulation buffer clearing colour to opaque black
        glClearAccum(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
     void drawScene()
         // Take the contents of the current accumulation buffer and copy it to the colour buffer so that it entirely overwrites it
        glAccum(GL_RETURN, 1.0f);
        // Clear the accumulation buffer (don't worry, we re-grab the screen into the accumulation buffer after drawing our current frame!)
        // Set ModelView matrix mode and reset to the default identity matrix
        // Displacement trick for exact pixelisation
        glTranslatef(0.375, 0.375, 0);
        // Draw our fireworks
        for (int loop = 0; loop < FIREWORKS; loop++)
            for (int particleLoop = 0; particleLoop < particles; particleLoop++)
                // Set the point size of the firework particles (this needs to be called BEFORE opening the glBegin(GL_POINTS) section!)
                    // Set colour to yellow on the way up, then whatever colour firework should be when exploded   
                if (fw[loop].hasExploded == false)
                        glColor4f(fw[loop].redStart, fw[loop].greenStart, fw[loop].blueStart, 1.0f);
                        glColor4f(fw[loop].red, fw[loop].green, fw[loop].blue, fw[loop].alpha);
                    // Draw the point
                    glVertex2f(fw[loop].x[particleLoop], fw[loop].y[particleLoop]);
            // Move the firework appropriately depending on its explosion state
            if (fw[loop].hasExploded == false && fw[loop].type=="Rocket")
         glAccum(GL_ACCUM, 0.85f);
    int main()
        int srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); // Seed the random number generator
        // Define our buffer settings
        int redBits     = 8,   greenBits = 8,    blueBits    = 8;
        int alphaBits  = 64, depthBits = 24,   stencilBits = 8;
        // Flag to keep our main loop running
        bool running = true;
        // Initialise glfw
        // Create a window
        if(!glfwOpenWindow(windowWidth, windowHeight, redBits, greenBits, blueBits, alphaBits, 0, 0, GLFW_WINDOW))
            cout << "Failed to open window!" << endl;
            return 0;
        // Call our initGL function to set up our OpenGL options
        while (running == true)
        // Draw our scene
        // Increase our frame counter
        // Exit if ESC was pressed or the window was closed
        running = glfwGetWindowParam(GLFW_OPENED);
        return 0;

     <?xml version="1.0" ?>
          <Firework begin="1000" type="Fountain" colour="0x20FF40" duration="5000">
            <Position x="0" y="-384"/>
          <Firework begin="2000" type="Fountain" colour="0x4020FF" duration="4000">
            <Position x="100" y="-384"/>
          <Firework begin="3000" type="Fountain" colour="0xff5099" duration="3000">
            <Position x="-100" y="-384"/>
          <Firework begin="1000" type="Rocket" colour="0xFF2020" duration="1000">
            <Position x="500" y="-384"/>
            <Velocity x="-3" y="10"/>
          <Firework begin="2000" type="Rocket" colour="0xFF2020" duration="1000">
            <Position x="0" y="-384"/>
            <Velocity x="0" y="10"/>
          <Firework begin="3000" type="Rocket" colour="0xFF2020" duration="1000">
            <Position x="-500" y="-384"/>
            <Velocity x="3" y="10"/>
          <Firework begin="11000" type="Rocket" colour="0xFFFF20" duration="1000">
            <Position x="500" y="-384"/>
            <Velocity x="-3" y="10"/>
          <Firework begin="12000" type="Rocket" colour="0xFF2020" duration="1000">
            <Position x="0" y="-384"/>
            <Velocity x="0" y="10"/>
          <Firework begin="13000" type="Rocket" colour="0xFF20FF" duration="1000">
            <Position x="-500" y="-384"/>
            <Velocity x="3" y="10"/>
          <Firework begin="4000" type="Fountain" colour="0xffFF40" duration="5000">
            <Position x="0" y="-384"/>
          <Firework begin="5000" type="Fountain" colour="0x4020FF" duration="4000">
            <Position x="-200" y="-384"/>
          <Firework begin="6000" type="Fountain" colour="0xff5099" duration="3000">
            <Position x="200" y="-384"/>
          <Firework begin="7000" type="Fountain" colour="0x20FF40" duration="5000">
            <Position x="0" y="-384"/>
          <Firework begin="8000" type="Fountain" colour="0x4020FF" duration="4000">
            <Position x="400" y="-384"/>
          <Firework begin="9000" type="Fountain" colour="0xff5099" duration="3000">
            <Position x="-400" y="-384"/>
          <Firework begin="10000" type="Fountain" colour="0xff8040" duration="1000">
            <Position x="-450" y="-384"/>
          <Firework begin="10500" type="Fountain" colour="0x40ffFF" duration="1000">
            <Position x="-220" y="-384"/>
          <Firework begin="11000" type="Fountain" colour="0xffff99" duration="1000">
            <Position x="0" y="-384"/>
          <Firework begin="11500" type="Fountain" colour="0xff00ff" duration="1000">
            <Position x="220" y="-384"/>
          <Firework begin="12000" type="Fountain" colour="0x40ffFF" duration="1000">
            <Position x="450" y="-384"/>
    Last edited by Jamku; May 13th, 2013 at 04:05 PM.

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