I m trying to send a mail via c++ code. I downloaded EASendMail component installer in ma system.

Then using this i wrote a code in vc++. I m sending a mail using a gmail id.I m able to send the mail correctly.
The issue i m facing is that the code hangs for the time it takes to send the mail.when i get a notification tat the mail is sent , den the cursor becomes active.I send the receiver address to the function i m calling.

using namespace EASendMailObjLib;
using namespace std;

int SendMail(LPTSTR RecieverID)
::CoInitialize( NULL );

IMailPtr oSmtp = NULL;
oSmtp.CreateInstance( "EASendMailObj.Mail");
oSmtp->LicenseCode = L"TryIt";

// Set your gmail email address
oSmtp->FromAddr = L"mygmailid@gmail.com";

// Add recipient email address

oSmtp->AddRecipientEx( RecieverID, 0 );

// Set email subject
oSmtp->Subject = L"simple email from Visual C++ with gmail account";

oSmtp->BodyText = L"Hi ";

//adds attachment from local disk
if(oSmtp->AddAttachment( L"images/imagename.bmp") != 0)
printf("Failed to add attachment with error: %s\r\n", (const TCHAR*)oSmtp->GetLastErrDescription());


// Gmail SMTP server address
oSmtp->ServerAddr = L"smtp.gmail.com";

// If you want to use direct SSL 465 port,
// Please add this line, otherwise TLS will be used.
// oSmtp->ServerPort = 465;

// detect SSL/TLS automatically

// Gmail user authentication should use your
// Gmail email address as the user name.
oSmtp->UserName = L"mygmailid@gmail.com";
oSmtp->Password =L"passowrd123";
printf("Start to send email via gmail account ...\r\n" );

if( oSmtp->SendMail() == 0 )
{ printf("email was sent successfully!\r\n");

{ printf("failed to send email with the following error: %s\r\n",(const TCHAR*)oSmtp->GetLastErrDescription());

if( oSmtp != NULL )

return 0;

I want the control to be active so that I can continue with other processes while the sending the mail happens on the background.
Can anyone pls help me in this !!!
Thankx a ton in advance.....
