Hey ho!

I wanna create an XML file which will be in UNICODE format, otherwise EXCEL won't read the local diacritic chars (e.g "ń", "ś", "ć" etc). The chars are in the file after generation but due to some reason EXCEL does not understand it as a compatible XML format. I always need to open the file in notepad manually and change the coding from ANSI to UNICODE (just save as UNICODE) and only then i can open it in EXCEL.

Is there any way of doing this already when the file is created in my program ?
I use this:
HANDLE plik = CreateFile( filename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL );
I tried CreateFileW as well as e.g. _T(filename) but the file is always generated as ANSI...

any idea?
would be grateful for any hint.
