I dynamically allocate a new list in the recMergeSort function which should run a constructor but when it get to the functions that use it, I get error C2065: 'otherHead' : undeclared identifier. I have tried setting it to NULL and it didn't work. I even copied the default constructor to a set function and I still get the errors.

template<class Type>
void unorderedLinkedList<Type>::recMergeSort(nodeType<Type>* &head)
	otherHead = new nodeType<Type>;

	if (head !=NULL)
		if (head->link != NULL)    
			divideList(head, otherHead);
			head = mergeList(head, otherHead);
I'm beginning to wonder if I'm sending the correct data type. Here is the heading of the functions that I'm using from the book. Any suggestions?

void unorderedLinkedList<Type>::divideList(nodeType<Type>* first1,
	nodeType<Type>* first2)