As Aspose development team had mentioned in the April Newsletter as well as on their website about the re-branding of Saaspose as “Aspose for Cloud”. Aspose is happy to announce that the re-branding process of Saaspose as “Aspose for Cloud” has completed and moved the content to the domain alongside our other file format products. Bringing the brand under the Aspose parent brand will let us continue to support even more file formats, improve the fidelity of conversions, and speed up improvements to our SDKs and Documentation. Many of the most requested improvements to SDKs and Documentation will happen more quickly now we’ve completed this move.

What changes will I notice in my code or affect development?

The good news is this name change will not affect your existing code! While Aspose will have a new API endpoint at it will work side-by-side with the existing endpoint. Below is a list of points that you should take account of:

-The end-point will be ‘frozen’ at version 1.0 and new features and bug-fixes may eventually not be deployed to this end-point. This of course doesn’t affect your existing code, but user may find when he come to take advantage of a new feature or fix user will need to update the end-points at that point.

-The new end-point has a version number of 1.1 to take account of the domain change within the JSON/XML responses.

-All of Aspose SDKs (for PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, .NET) have been updated to take account of the new REST end-point as well as big improvements in meeting the coding conventions of each native language (we’ll continue to make improvements here!).

-Aspose GitHub account is changed; the revised SDKs for the new end-points will start off life here.

-Aspose have switched our support system to the Aspose Forums – user can post both technical and sales queries here and get the benefit of Aspose larger support team who will answer user query ASAP and also a large community of Aspose users who may already have asked user question and had it answered. Users have the option of making your posts private if you need to for any reason.