I have used the following code to write and read wchar_t bytes from a disk file:

int WriteBytesW(wchar_t * wcp, int nsz, wchar_t * wcfilepath)
	wfstream wf;
    codecvt_utf16<wchar_t, 0x10ffff, little_endian> ccvt(1);
    locale wloc(wf.getloc(), &ccvt);

	wf.open(wcfilepath, ios::out | ios::binary);
	if(!wf) { wprintf(_T("Unable to open file %s"), wcfilepath); return 0; }
	wf.write((wchar_t *) wcp, (streamsize)(nsz));

	return 1;

}// WriteBytesW(wchar_t * wcp, int nsz, wchar_t * wcfilepath)

/// reads raw bytes from a file all at once
/// see: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/istream/istream/tellg/
int ReadBytesW(wchar_t * wcfilepath, wchar_t * pwbuf, long &lsz)
	wfstream wf;
    codecvt_utf16<wchar_t, 0x10ffff, little_endian> ccvt(1);
    locale wloc(wf.getloc(), &ccvt);
	// see:  http://www.codeguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=511113

	wf.open(wcfilepath, ios::in|ios::binary);
	if(!wf) { wprintf( _T("Unable to open file %s"), wcfilepath); return 0; }
   // get length of file:
    wf.seekg (0, wf.end);
    int length = wf.tellg();
    wf.seekg (0, wf.beg);

	lsz = length;

	pwbuf = new wchar_t [length+1];
	wmemset(pwbuf, 0x0000, length+1);

	wf.read(pwbuf, (streamsize) length);

	// print content
	for(int i = 0; i < length/2; i++)
		printf("%0.4X ", pwbuf[i]);

	delete [] pwbuf; pwbuf = 0;

	return 1;

}// ReadBytesW(wstring wsfilepath)
I have run this simple experiment where the wide byte 0xFFFF is present or absent.
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	wchar_t wbuf[10];

	wbuf[0] = 0x1234;
	wbuf[1] = 0x5678;
	wbuf[2] = 0x9abc;
	wbuf[3] = 0xef12;
	wbuf[4] = 0xabcd;
	wbuf[5] = 0xfe21;
	wbuf[6] = 0xdcba;
	wbuf[7] = 0x1f2a;
	wbuf[8] = 0xefff;
	wbuf[9] = 0x02ff;

	int n = WriteBytesW(wbuf, 10, _T("bravo.dat"));
	if(n) { printf("save bytes succeeded\n"); } else { printf("save bytes failed\n"); }

	wchar_t * wbuf2 = 0;
	long nsz = 0;
	n = ReadBytesW(_T("bravo.dat"), wbuf2, nsz);
	if(n) { printf("read bytes succeeded\n"); } else { printf("read bytes failed\n"); }

	return 0;

save bytes succeeded
1234 5678 9ABC EF12 ABCD FE21 DCBA 1F2A EFFF 02FF
read bytes succeeded
nsz =: 20
Now, if wbuf[8] = 0xefff; is replaced by wbuf[8] = 0xffff;

save bytes succeeded
1234 5678 9ABC EF12 ABCD FE21 DCBA 1F2A 02FF
read bytes succeeded
nsz =: 18
Obviously, the 0xffff wbyte is not read. WHY ?

This presents a significant problem when attempting to read ALL wbytes from a file. Is there any work around ? Is this a VS problem ?