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    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    How to call this function?

    globalVars_get_cf(Value** arg_list, int count)
    	// globalVars.get <global_name>
    	check_arg_count(globalVars.get, 1, count);
    	Value* glob_name = Name::intern(arg_list[0]->to_string());
    	GlobalThunk* t = (GlobalThunk*)globals->get(glob_name);
    	if (!t)
    		throw RuntimeError (MaxSDK::GetResourceStringAsMSTR(IDS_NO_SUCH_GLOBAL), glob_name);
    	return t->eval();
    // the root MAXScript class
    class Value : public Collectable
    	ScripterExport static Matrix3  s_error_matrix;
    	ScripterExport static Box2  s_error_box2;
    	#pragma warning(push)
    	#pragma warning(disable:4100)
    	ValueMetaClass* tag;		// runtime type tag; filled in by subclasses
    	ScripterExport virtual BOOL	is_kind_of(ValueMetaClass* c);
    	ScripterExport virtual ValueMetaClass* local_base_class(); // local base class in this class's plug-in
    	virtual Value*	eval() { check_interrupts(); return this; }
    	virtual Value*	eval_no_wrapper() { check_interrupts(); return this; }
    	ScripterExport virtual Value*  apply(Value** arglist, int count, CallContext* cc=NULL);
    	ScripterExport virtual Value*  apply_no_alloc_frame(Value** arglist, int count, CallContext* cc=NULL);
    	virtual void	export_to_scripter() { }
    	virtual Value*  map(node_map& m) { unimplemented(_M("map"), this) ; return this; }
    	virtual Value*	map_path(PathName* path, node_map& m) { unimplemented(_M("map_path"), this) ; return this; }
    	virtual Value*	find_first(BOOL (*test_fn)(INode* node, int level, void* arg), void* test_arg) { unimplemented(_M("find_first"), this) ; return this; }
    	virtual Value*	get_path(PathName* path) { unimplemented(_M("get"), this) ; return this; }
    	ScripterExport virtual void	sprin1(CharStream* stream);
    	ScripterExport virtual void	sprint(CharStream* stream);
    	virtual void	prin1() { sprin1(thread_local(current_stdout)); }
    	virtual void	print() { sprint(thread_local(current_stdout)); }
    	/* include all the protocol declarations */
    #include "..\macros\define_abstract_functions.h"
    #	include "..\protocols\math.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\vector.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\matrix.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\quat.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\arrays.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\streams.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\strings.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\time.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\color.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\node.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\controller.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\primitives.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\generics.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\bitmaps.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\textures.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\atmospherics.inl"
    #	// Moved to ..\maxwrapper\mxsnurbs.h into class NURBSObjectValue
    #	include "..\protocols\cameratracker.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\bigmatrix.inl"
    #	include	"..\protocols\box.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\physiqueblend.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\physiquemod.inl"
    #	include	"..\protocols\biped.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\notekey.inl"
    #	include "..\protocols\xrefs.inl"
    	ScripterExport virtual Class_ID get_max_class_id() { return Class_ID(0, 0); }
    	ScripterExport virtual Value* delete_vf(Value** arglist, int arg_count) { ABSTRACT_FUNCTION(_M("delete"), this, Value*); }	  
    	ScripterExport virtual Value* clearSelection_vf(Value** arglist, int arg_count) { ABSTRACT_FUNCTION(_M("clearSelection"), this, Value*); }	  
    #undef def_generic
    #define def_generic(fn, name) ScripterExport virtual Value* fn##_vf(Value** arglist, int arg_count);
    #	include "..\protocols\kernel.inl"
    	virtual float		to_float() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(float, Float); }
    	virtual double		to_double() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(double, Double); }
    	virtual MCHAR*		to_string() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(MCHAR*, String); }
    	virtual MSTR		to_filename() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(MCHAR*, FileName); }
    	virtual int			to_int() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(int, Integer); }
    	virtual INT64		to_int64() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(INT64, Integer64); }	
    	virtual INT_PTR		to_intptr() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(INT_PTR, IntegerPtr); }	
    	virtual BOOL		to_bool() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(BOOL, Boolean); }
    	virtual BitArray&	to_bitarray() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("BitArray")); return *(BitArray*)NULL; }
    	virtual Point4		to_point4() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(Point4, Point4); }
    	virtual Point3		to_point3() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(Point3, Point3); }
    	virtual Point2		to_point2() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(Point2, Point2); }
    	virtual AColor		to_acolor() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("Color")); return AColor(0,0,0); }
    	virtual COLORREF	to_colorref() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("Color")); return RGB(0,0,0); }
    	virtual INode*		to_node() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(INode*, <node>); }
    	virtual Ray			to_ray() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("Ray")); return Ray(); }
    	virtual Interval	to_interval() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("Interval")); return Interval();  }
    	virtual Quat		to_quat() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("Quaternion")); return Quat();  }
    	virtual AngAxis		to_angaxis() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("AngleAxis")); return AngAxis();  }
    	virtual Matrix3&	to_matrix3() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("Matrix")); return s_error_matrix;  }
    	virtual float*		to_eulerangles() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(float*, Float); }
    	virtual Mtl*		to_mtl() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(Mtl*, Material); }
    	virtual Texmap*		to_texmap() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(Texmap*, TextureMap); }
    	virtual MtlBase*	to_mtlbase() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(MtlBase*, MtlBase); }
    	virtual Modifier*	to_modifier() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(Modifier*, Modifier); }
    	virtual TimeValue	to_timevalue() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(TimeValue, Time); }
    	virtual Control*	to_controller() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(Control*, Controller); }
    	virtual Atmospheric* to_atmospheric() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(Atmospheric*, Atmospheric); }
    	virtual Effect*		to_effect() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(Effect*, Effect); }						// RK: Added this
    	virtual IMultiPassCameraEffect*	to_mpassCamEffect() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(IMultiPassCameraEffect*, Effect); }	// LAM: Added this
    	virtual ShadowType*	to_shadowtype() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(ShadowType*, ShadowType); }			// RK: Added this
    	virtual FilterKernel*	to_filter() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(FilterKernel*, FilterKernel); }		// RK: Added this
    	virtual INode*		to_rootnode() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(INode*, <root>); }						// RK: Added this
    	virtual ITrackViewNode* to_trackviewnode() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(ITrackViewNode*, TrackViewNode); }
    	virtual NURBSIndependentPoint* to_nurbsindependentpoint() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("NURBSIndependentPoint")); return (NURBSIndependentPoint*)0;  }
    	virtual NURBSPoint*	to_nurbspoint() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("NURBSPoint")); return (NURBSPoint*)0;  }
    	virtual NURBSObject* to_nurbsobject() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("NURBSObject")); return (NURBSObject*)0;  }
    	virtual NURBSControlVertex* to_nurbscontrolvertex() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("NURBSControlVertex")); return (NURBSControlVertex*)0;  }
    	virtual NURBSCurve* to_nurbscurve() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("NURBSCurve")); return (NURBSCurve*)0;  }
    	virtual NURBSCVCurve* to_nurbscvcurve() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("NURBSCVCurve")); return (NURBSCVCurve*)0;  }
    	virtual NURBSSurface* to_nurbssurface() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("NURBSSurface")); return (NURBSSurface*)0;  }
    	virtual NURBSTexturePoint* to_nurbstexturepoint() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("NURBSTexturePoint")); return (NURBSTexturePoint*)0;  }
    	virtual NURBSSet*	to_nurbsset() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("NURBSSet")); return (NURBSSet*)0;  }
    	virtual ReferenceTarget* to_reftarg() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(ReferenceTarget*, MaxObject); }
    	virtual Mesh*		to_mesh() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(Mesh*, Mesh); }
    	virtual Thunk*		to_thunk() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(Thunk*, &-reference); }
    	virtual void		to_fpvalue(FPValue& v) { throw ConversionError (this, _M("FPValue")); }
    	virtual Renderer*	to_renderer() { ABSTRACT_CONVERTER(Renderer*, Renderer); }	// LAM: Added this 9/15/01
    	virtual Box2&	to_box2() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("Box2")); return s_error_box2;  }
    	virtual NURBSTextureSurface* to_nurbstexturesurface() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("NURBSTextureSurface")); return (NURBSTextureSurface*)0;  }
    	virtual NURBSDisplay* to_nurbsdisplay() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("NURBSDisplay")); return (NURBSDisplay*)0;  }
    	virtual TessApprox*	 to_tessapprox() { throw ConversionError (this, _M("TessApprox")); return (TessApprox*)0;  }
    	virtual Value*	widen_to(Value* arg, Value** arg_list) { ABSTRACT_WIDENER(arg); }
    	virtual BOOL	comparable(Value* arg) { return (tag == arg->tag); }
    	virtual BOOL	is_const() { return FALSE; }
    	// LAM - 7/8/03 - defect 504956 - following identifies classes that derive from MAXWrapper. Only other implementation is in MAXWrapper
    	// used by garbage collector to prevent collection of MAXWrapper-derived values while doing light collection
    	virtual BOOL	derives_from_MAXWrapper()  { return FALSE; } 
    	ScripterExport virtual Value*	get_property(Value** arg_list, int count);
    	ScripterExport virtual Value*	set_property(Value** arg_list, int count);
    	ScripterExport		   Value*	_get_property(Value* prop);
    	ScripterExport virtual Value*	_set_property(Value* prop, Value* val);
    	virtual Value*	get_container_property(Value* prop, Value* cur_prop) { if (!dontThrowAccessorError) throw AccessorError (cur_prop, prop); return NULL; }
    	virtual Value*	set_container_property(Value* prop, Value* val, Value* cur_prop) { throw AccessorError (cur_prop, prop); return NULL;}
    	// polymorphic default type predicates - abstracted over by is_x(v) macros as needed
    	virtual BOOL	_is_collection() { return FALSE; }
    	virtual BOOL	_is_charstream() { return FALSE; }
    	virtual BOOL	_is_rolloutcontrol() { return FALSE; }
    	virtual BOOL	_is_rolloutthunk() { return FALSE; }
    	virtual BOOL	_is_function()	 { return FALSE; }
    	virtual BOOL	_is_selection()	 { return FALSE; }
    	virtual BOOL	_is_thunk()		{ return FALSE; }
    	virtual BOOL	_is_indirect_thunk() { return FALSE; }
    	// yield selection set iterator if you can
    	virtual SelectionIterator* selection_iterator() { throw RuntimeError (_M("Operation requires a selection (Array or BitArray)")); return NULL; }
    	// scene persistence functions
    	ScripterExport virtual IOResult Save(ISave* isave);
    	// the Load fn is a static method on loadbale classes, see SceneIO.cpp & .h and each loadable class
    	// called during MAX exit to have all MAXScript-side refs dropped (main implementation in MAXWrapper)
    	virtual void drop_MAX_refs() { }
    	// access ID'd FPInterface if supported
    	virtual BaseInterface* GetInterface(Interface_ID id) { return NULL; }
    	// stack allocation routines
    	ScripterExport Value* make_heap_permanent();
    	ScripterExport Value* make_heap_static() { Value* v = make_heap_permanent(); v->flags |= GC_STATIC; return v; }
    	ScripterExport Value* get_heap_ptr() { if (!has_heap_copy()) return migrate_to_heap(); return is_on_stack() ? get_stack_heap_ptr() : this; } 
    	ScripterExport Value* get_stack_heap_ptr() { return (Value*)next; }
    	ScripterExport Value* migrate_to_heap();
    	ScripterExport Value* get_live_ptr() { return is_on_stack() && has_heap_copy() ? get_stack_heap_ptr() : this; } 
    	#pragma warning(pop)
    I want to create a MCHAR* type which is believed to be in strings.inl., I don't show the strings.inl file for now which might bring into larger confusion.

    Will this do
    MCHAR* name = globalVars.get("Name");
    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by lucky6969b; July 25th, 2013 at 07:00 AM.

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