Me again. Didn't think I was gonna have to post again so soon, but I've ran into a problem with another project of mine. What I'm trying to do is make a program that provides a text box for entering a person's first and last name (with a space in between, of course) with a Click event procedure that displays the name in reverse with a comma and a space in between the first and last name.

I thought for sure I had this in the bag, but before I could even debug the program I get this error:
Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.Label'. 40 21

It's been a while since I did these so I can't, for the life, figure out how to resolve this error.

Here's the code I'm using, and, again, I'm using Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Public Class MainForm

    Private Sub exitButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles exitButton.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub nameTextBox_Enter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles nameTextBox.Enter
    End Sub

    Private Sub nameTextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles nameTextBox.TextChanged
        nameLabel.Text = String.Empty
    End Sub

    Private Sub reverseButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles reverseButton.Click
        Dim firstName As String
        Dim lastName As String
        Dim numberLast As Integer
        Dim numberFirst As Integer
        Dim input As String
        Dim isConverted As Boolean
        Dim index As Integer

        input = nameTextBox.Text

        index = input.IndexOf(" ")

        firstname = input.Substring(0, index)
        lastname = input.Substring(index + 1)

        nameLabel = lastName + ", " + firstName

    End Sub
End Class