ok i have correct and update my code and it does work with no errors expect it doesnt do calculations and bubblesort with employees last name
// here is the txt file//
40.0   10.00 A1234 Jane Adams
50.0   10.00 L8765 Mary Lincoln
25.5   10.85 W7654 Martha Washington
52.0   15.75 A9876 John Adams
45.0   25.00 W1235 George Washington
40.25  55.00 L9087 Abraham Lincoln
30.0    9.75 T9876 William Tell
42.5   12.50 M7654 Missy Muffett
30.0   10.00 P8765 Peter Piper
//heres my code//
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
const int SZ = 55;
void tellUser();
int readData( string [], string [], string [], double [], double []);
int bubbleSort();
int outputScr();
void regular();
void overtime();
void grossPay();
int main()
      string firstname[SZ], lastname[SZ];
      string empids[SZ];
      double hours[SZ];
      double rates[SZ];
      ofstream outputFile;
      bool swapmade = false;
      bool screenonly = false;
      char yesno;
      int  i, numemp, lastpos;   
      tellUser();    					 // tells the user about the program
      bubbleSort(); 					 // sorts the employees from their last , first name
      outputScr();  					 // display employee payroll information to screen and txt file
      return 0;
}  //end main
/* tellUser()
 * tells about the program to the user
void tellUser()   // tellUser Function
   cout <<"\nThis program reads a file called employees.txt,\n";
   cout <<"and it calculates the regular pay, overtime pay\n";
   cout <<"and grosspay and total for grosspay for each employee and\n";
   cout <<"sorts the from last name and output is written to the screen. \n\n"; //tell user what program does
}  //end tellUser Function
 * readData
 * firstname , lastname, empID, hours, rate of pay
int readData(string firstn[], string lastn[], string empID[], double hrs[], double rate[])    //readData Function
     int numemp;
     ifstream inputFile;
     int i = 0;
    // tellUser();  
     // open file and read inputs from employees.txt
     inputFile.open("employees.txt");     //open employees.txt file
     if (inputFile.fail())                // employee.txt fails to open
        cout << "Error opening file employees.txt \n\n";
        cout << "end of program\n\n";
        while ((inputFile >> hrs[i]) && (i < SZ))
           inputFile >> rate[i];
           inputFile >> empID[i];
           inputFile >> firstn[i];
           inputFile >> lastn[i];
        } //end while
       // cout << "There were " << i << " employess\n\n";
       // numemp = i;
        //************* close input file ****************//
}    //en dof readData Function
/* bubbleSort()
 * sorts employees with theor last name snd displays in 
 * screen and txt file
int bubbleSort()       //bubbleSort Function
       string firstn[SZ], lastn[SZ];
       string empID[SZ];
       double hrs[SZ];
       double rate[SZ];
       int  i, numemp, lastpos;
       bool screenonly = false;
       ofstream outputFile;
       bool swapmade = false;
       lastpos = numemp;
         swapmade = false;
         for ( i = 0; i < lastpos; i++)
            swap(firstn[i], firstn[i+1]);
            swap(lastn[i], lastn[i+1]);
           // swap(empID[i], empID[i+1]);
           // swap(hrs[i], hrs[i+1]);
           // swap(rate[i], rate[i+1]);
            swapmade - true;
       } while(swapmade);
}    //end of bubbleSort Function
/* regular()
 * calculates employees regular pay
void regular()
   double grossPay;
   double hours, rates;
   if(hours <= 40)
     grossPay = hours * rates;
/* overtime()
 * calculates employees overtime pay
void overtime()
   double hours, rate, overtime;
   if (hours >= 40) 
       overtime = (hours - 40) * rate * 1.5;
/* grossPay()
 * calculates employees regular + overtime pay
void grossPay()
   double  hours, rate, grossPay; 
   if (hours <= 40)
       grossPay = (hours * rate);
       grossPay = ((hours - 40) * rate * 1.5);
/* outputScr()
 * displays the employee payroll function to the screen and txt file
int outputScr()
      string firstname[SZ], lastname[SZ];
      string empids[SZ];
      double hours[SZ];
      double rates[SZ];
      int  i, numemp, lastpos;
      bool screenonly = false;
      ofstream outputFile; 
      cout << "Payroll being written to file payroll.txt\n\n"; //output function
      outputFile.open("payroll.txt"); // output file
      if (outputFile.fail())
           screenonly = true;
           cout <<" output file did not open\n";
           cout <<" output file will only be sent to the screen\n";
      cout <<"   First       Last     Employee      Hours       Rate      Regular   Overtime     Gross\n";
      cout <<"   Name        Name     Number        Worked      of Pay     Pay       Pay         Pay\n";
      cout <<"============================================================================================\n";
      numemp = readData(firstname, lastname, empids, hours, rates);
      for (i = 0; i < numemp; i++)
          cout << setw(7) << firstname[i] << setw(12) << lastname[i];
          cout << setw(11) << empids[i] << " " << setw(12) << fixed << setprecision(2) << hours[i] << " ";
          cout << setw(11) << rates[i] << " " << setw(7) << fixed << setprecision(2) << regular << " ";
          cout << setw(9) << overtime << " " << setw(12) << fixed << setprecision(2) << grossPay << " " << endl; 
          if (!screenonly)
                outputFile << setw(7) << left << firstname[i] << " ";
                outputFile << setw(12) << left << lastname[i] << " ";
                outputFile << setw(11) << fixed << right << empids << " "; 
                outputFile << setw(12) << fixed << right << hours[i] << " ";
                outputFile << setw(11) << fixed << right << rates[i] << " \n";

     cout <<"============================================================================================\n";
     cout <<"\t\t\tTotal Gross Pay       \t\t\t\t\t" << fixed << setprecision(2) << grossPay << " \n";
      if (!screenonly)
         cout << "inpur file closed\n\n";}
} // end main
//results i get after compiling the program *** CALCULATIONS AND BUBVLE SORT (arrange from from employees last name***//
First          Last       Employee     Hours         Rate   Regular    Overtime    Gross
Name           Name        Number      Worked       of Pay    Pay        Pay        Pay
Jane           Adams       A1234       40.00        10.00      1           1         1
Mary           Lincoln     L8765       50.00        10.00      1           1         1
Martha         Washington  W7654       25.50        10.85      1           1         1
John           Adams       A9876       52.00        15.75      1           1         1
George         Washington  W1235       45.00        25.00      1           1         1
Abraham        Lincoln     L9087       40.25        55.00      1           1         1
William        Tell        T9876       30.00        9.75       1           1         1
Missy          Muffett     M7654       42.50        12.50      1           1         1
Peter          Piper       P8765       30.00        10.00      1           1         1

                        Total Gross Pay                                              1