Hello all,

Same project as Ive been posting about. After the replies I got from my last post, Ive been spending some time redoing parts of my library. When I got to the assembly code and read about optimizing it I implemented some of the ideas and doubled how fast the algorithms are. comparing my code to Microsofts BigInteger library, I am running neck to neck in the division and modular reduction algorithms, about 5 times faster in my multiplication algorithm, and ten to fifteen times faster in my exponentiation and modular expontiation algorithms, however, in my addition algorithm I am running between 10 and 20 times slower than Microsoft, and about 5 to 10 times slower in my subtraction algorithm and for the life of me I am not seeing how they do it.

My tests are run from managed code (I am running Microsofts BigInteger library from the System.Numerics namespace in managed code) I generated two arrays one of Microsofts BigIntegers, the other of my BI library with a few thousand elements in each. The arrays are built up before running the tests and once in the tests the program simply feeds random entries from the arrays and measures the time it takes to run a predefined number of iterations for each algorithm.

The addition algorithm:

	AAdd64 PROC aval1:PTR qword, aval2:PTR qword
		;The add alg is pretty standard, find the size of the larger array and create and copy the larger array _one larger for the result
		;then add the smaller val to it cell by cell till you reach the final cell in the smaller array
		;Then the alg will adc the result array until there carry bit clears
		;The final part checks to make sure n_one of the high order bytes are _zero, if they are it dec the array size till it hit a non-_zero cell

		;save the registers we change

		push	rdi
		push	rsi
		push	r8
		push	r11
		push	r12

		ENTERF								;this sets up the stack for us

		mov		r11, rcx					;move val1 into r11
		mov		r12, rdx					;move val2 into rr12
		mov		rcx, qword ptr[r11]			;move the element count of val1 into rcx
		cmp		rcx, qword ptr[r12]			;compare it to the element count of val2
		ja		V1Big						;if val1 has more elements then val2 jump to V1Big
		xchg	r11, r12					;otherwise swap val1 and val2
		mov		rcx, qword ptr[r11]			;move the element count of val1 into rcx


		add		rcx, 5						;add some padding for the return value
		shl		rcx, 3						;multiply it by 8
		MEMGET								;call our getmem routine
		cmp		rax, 0						;see if there was an error getting our memory
		je		MallocError					;if there was jump to mallocerror
		mov		r8, rax						;move the pointer into r8
		mov		rdi, r8						;and move it into rdi
		mov		rsi, r11					;move the pointer to val1 into rsi
		mov		rcx, qword ptr[rsi]			;move the element count into rcx
		inc		rcx							;increment the element count so that it also copies the element count
		mov		qword ptr[r8+rcx*8], 0		;zero out the byte above our most significant byte in r8
		pushf								;save the flags register
		cld									;clear the direction flag so it increments
rep		movsq								;copy val1 into our return value
		popf								;restore the flags register
		mov		rdi, 1						;point to the first element in the arrays
		mov		rcx, qword ptr[r12]			;move the element count of val2 into rcx
		clc									;clear the carry flag

		mov		rax, qword ptr[r12+rdi*8]	;move the element pointed to by rdu into rax
		adc		qword ptr[r8+rdi*8], rax	;add with carry rax to the element pointed to by rdi in the return val
		inc		rdi							;increment rdi
		loop	AddLoop						;loop until we reach the last element in val2
		jnc		GoOut						;if there wasnt a carry on the last addition then we are done
		dec		rdi							;ootherwise decrement rdi
		cmp		rdi, qword ptr[r8]			;compare it to our element count in the return value
		ja		GoOut						;if it is above then we are done
		inc		rdi							;restore rdi to the original value
		mov		rcx, qword ptr[r8]			;move the element count in our return value into rcx
		sub		rcx, qword ptr[r12]			;subtract the element count in val2 (this gives us how many times we may have to loop)
		cmovz	rcx, _one					;if the subtraction result was zero then move one into rcx since we want this to run at least one time since there was a carry (and if it is zero then when it hits the loop instruction then rcx goes to 0xffffffff and runs on)
		stc									;set the carry flag since we couldnt have got here without a carry from above


		jnc		GoOut						;if there is no carry then go out
		adc		qword ptr[r8+rdi*8], 0		;all we are dealing with are the bytes in the return val that are above the most significant byte in val2 so we add with carry 0
		inc		rdi							;increment rdi to point to the next element
		loop	AddLoop2					;loop until we reach the last element


		mov		rdi, qword ptr[r8]			;move the element count into rdi
		inc		rdi							;increment it by one to see if we changed the byte above the current MSB to one
		cmp		qword ptr[r8+rdi*8], 0
		je		Keep						;if it is zero then keep the element count we have
		inc		qword ptr[r8]				;otherwise increment the element count by one


		mov		rcx, qword ptr[r8]			;move the element count in the return val into rcx


		mov		qword ptr[r8], rcx			;move the current count into the return val
		cmp		qword ptr[r8+rcx*8], 0		;compare the current element to 0
		ja		CheckOut					;if its not zero then jump out
		loop	CheckLoop					;otherwise loop until rcx=0


		mov		rax, r8						;move our return value into rax

		EXITF								;restore the stack

		;restore the registers we used

		pop		r12
		pop		r11
		pop		r8
		pop		rsi
		pop		rdi



		;if there was an error requesting memory try to get the error code, store it in the return value and send it back to managed code

		mov		rcx, 32
		MEMGET					;call our getmem routine
		cmp		rax, 0
		je		ErrorOut
		mov		r8, rax
		call	GetLastError
		mov		qword ptr[r8], 0
		mov		qword ptr[r8+8], 0
		mov		qword ptr[r8+16], rax


		mov		rax, rax
		jmp		GoOut

	AAdd64 ENDP
and the subtraction algorithm:

	ASub64 PROC sval1:PTR qword, sval2:PTR qword
		;This alg is a standard subtraction alg
		;it creates an answer array the size of _val1
		;then subtracts the arrays cell by cell till it reaches the final cell of the smaller array
		;at which time it continues doing subtractions with carry on the larger till all of the bytes are transfered
		;the final part does the _zero check

		;save the registers we use

		push	rdi
		push	rsi
		push	r8
		push	r11
		push	r12

		ENTERF								;This macro sets up the stack

		mov		r11, rcx					;move val1 into r11
		mov		r12, rdx					;move val2 into r12


		mov		rcx, qword ptr[r11]			;move the element count of val1 into rcx
		add		rcx, 10						;give the return value some padding
		shl		rcx,3						;multiply the result from above by 8
		MEMGET								;call our getmem routine
		mov		r8, rax						;move the returned pointer into r8
		cmp		r8, 0						;check if r8 is zero
		je		MallocError					;if it is then the memory manager errored out
		mov		rsi, r11					;move r11 into rsi
		mov		rdi, r8						;move r8 into rdi
		mov		rcx, qword ptr[r11]			;get the element count of val1
		inc		rcx							;increment it by one so it saves the element county too
		mov		qword ptr[r8+rcx*8], 0		;move zero into the byte above the last expected byte to be returned (this is done so we get the correct count at the end of the alg)
		pushf								;save the flags register
		cld									;clear the direction flag so it increments
rep		movsq								;copy val1 into our return val
		popf								;restore the flags register
		inc		qword ptr[r8]				;increment the element count in r8 (so it points to 0)
		mov		rdi, 1						;set rdi to point to the first element
		mov		rcx, qword ptr[r12]			;set rcx to the element count in val2
		clc									;clear the carry flag


		mov		rax, qword ptr[r12+rdi*8]	;move the element pointed to by rdi into rax
		sbb		qword ptr[r8+rdi*8], rax	;subtract with borrow rax from the element pointed to by rdi
		inc		rdi							;increment rdi
		loop	SubLoop						;loop until we reach the last element in val2
		jnc		CheckForZ					;if the carry flag is clear we are done
		cmp		rdi, qword ptr[r8]			;if rdi equals the element count in r8 or is bigger then we are done
		jnb		CheckForZ
		mov		rcx, qword ptr[r8]			;otherwise move r8's element count into rcx
		sub		rcx, qword ptr[r12]			;and subtract the element count in val2 from it (this gives us how many elements in val1 are left to deasl with)
		stc									;set the carry flag since we couldnt have got here unless there was a borrow from the last subtract=ion above


		jnc		CheckForZ					;once the carry flag is clear we are done
		sbb		qword ptr[r8+rdi*8], 0		;at this point we are only dealing with the elements in val1 and the borrow so we subtracts with borrow 0
		inc		rdi							;increment rdi to point to the next element
		loop	CarryLoop					;loop until we reach the last element in val1


		mov		rcx, qword ptr[r8]			;move the element count in r8 into rcx


		mov		qword ptr[r8], rcx			;move the element count into r8
		cmp		qword ptr[r8+rcx*8], 0		;if r8 does not equal zero we are done
		ja		GoOut
		loop	CheckLoop					;loop until rcx=0
		jmp		GoOut						;go out


		xchg	r11, r12
		jmp		ItsAllGood




		mov		rcx, 32
		MEMGET					;call our getmem routine
		cmp		rax, 0
		je		MallocError
		mov		qword ptr[rax], 1
		mov		qword ptr[rax+8], 0
		mov		r8, rax
		jmp		GoOut


		;if there was an error requesting memory try to get the error code, store it in the return value and send it back to managed code

		mov		rcx, 32
		MEMGET					;call our getmem routine
		cmp		rax, 0
		je		ErrorOut
		mov		r8, rax
		call	GetLastError
		mov		qword ptr[r8], 0
		mov		qword ptr[r8+8], 0
		mov		qword ptr[r8+16], rax


		mov		rax, rax


		mov		rax, r8				;move our return value into rax

		EXITF						;restore the stack

		pop		r12
		pop		r11
		pop		r8
		pop		rsi
		pop		rdi

	ASub64 ENDP
I managed to get the algorithms changed around to take advantage of the adc and sbb instructions which got rid of a lot of ugly code but I cant for the life of me figure out how to squeeze any more out of these algorithms.
