My program (Test) is a basic MFC AppWizard (exe) created project. I have followed the steps in the link below to create a docked dialog box (myDialog) using VC++.

The dialog box works, however, I have 2 issues that I am trying to resolve.
1) I have added a button to the Dialog box, however, when I run the application they start as disabled (note: the Disabled option on the Button Properties is unchecked). If I add function myDialog::OnButton to the myDialog class, the button remains disabled, however, if I add the function CTestView::OnButton to the View class, the button becomes active and works. How can I make the button work from the myDialog class?

2) I would like to be able to change an Edit box in the same dialog box when I click the button. How can I access the pointer to the myDialog from the View class?

Thank you so much for the responses!!