hello every body,
i have a small project, in which i am using Two Threads, and a method to draw circle on an image. when it starts so after some time it gives the error message object is currently in use elsewhere. sample of code is been give blow please, if anyone could give me some guidelines or some idea please.
private delegate void DrawCircleDelegate(Point pp, Bitmap r);
        public void DrawCircle(Point p, Bitmap rate)
            if (InvokeRequired)
                DrawCircleDelegate drwCircle = new DrawCircleDelegate((pp,r)=> DrawCircle(p,rate));
                this.BeginInvoke(drwCircle, new object[] { p,rate });
            // utilObject.StateOccure += new SimUtil.InvalidState(utilObject_StateOccure); // Event handler , to handle invalid states
            Bitmap tempbitmap = (Bitmap)testImage.Clone();
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(tempbitmap);
            if (rate== null )
                g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Green, p.X - 15, p.Y - 15, 30, 30);            
                g.DrawImage(rate, p.X - 15, p.Y - 15, 30, 30);
            pictureBox1.Image = tempbitmap;
private void frmTwoThreads_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            testImage = new Bitmap(@"D:\Practice_Projects\TestPic.png");
            rnd = new Random(DateTime.Now.Second);
            findNextThread = new Thread(FindNext);
            findNextThread.Name = " Find Thread";
private void btnStarSimulator_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            utilObject = new SimUtil();
            //rnd = new Random(DateTime.Now.Second);
           // List<Cell> gridCell = new List<Cell>();
            myGrid = new Grid(row, col, new Point(10, 10), new Point(460, 440));
            for (int clNo = 1; clNo <= myGrid.TotalCells; clNo++)
                Cell tempCell = new Cell(clNo, col, row, myGrid.InitialPoint, myGrid.GridSize);
            testImage = myGrid.DrawGridOnBitmap(testImage, myGrid.InitialPoint, myGrid.EndPoint);
            pictureBox1.Image = testImage;

  public void FindNext()
            while (true)
                //moveCircleDelegate mcircle = moveCircle;               
                Point fromCellPoint;
                Point toCellPoint;
                int nextLocation = utilObject.SelectNextCell(startCell, rnd);
                while (nextLocation  <= 0 || nextLocation  > 100)
                    string s1 = startCell.ToString() + " , " + nextLocation.ToString();
                    this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { listBox1.Items.Add(s1); });  
                    nextLocation = utilObject.SelectNextCell(startCell, rnd);
                    fromCellPoint = Get_CellCenterPoint(startCell);
                    toCellPoint = Get_CellCenterPoint(nextLocation);
                    string s = startCell.ToString() + " , " + nextLocation.ToString() ;
                    this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { listBox1.Items.Add(s); });             
                     moveCircleThread = new Thread(() => moveCircle(fromCellPoint, toCellPoint, 100));
                     startCell = nextLocation;