ok, I made my window, made a drop box, but how do I know what item was selected?

with buttons it's easy, since there is only one parameter, but drop down menu's have multiple so I tried making an HMENU, but I can't find a way to link up the HMENU with the actual drop-box selections. here is the code snippits:

(Window creation is left out for clutter reasons, I'm mainly focusing on the message handling)

I define the two labels I want to choose from, and make a handle ID for my combo-box:

#define ID_Boo 0
#define ID_Voo 1

HWND hWndComboBox;

then (Under the WM_CREATE message) I make the HMENU, Create the DropBox window, and fill the drop down box (I think this is the incorrect way to do this, but I'm not sure what is the right way.. hence my question)

                //create HMENU, and fill it
		HMENU hFile = CreateMenu();
		AppendMenu(hFile, MF_STRING, ID_Boo, L"Boo");
		AppendMenu(hFile, MF_STRING, ID_Voo, L"voo");

                //create combobox, and get it to send messages through 'hFile'
		hWndComboBox = CreateWindow(L"COMBOBOX", NULL,CBS_DROPDOWN  | WS_CHILD | CBS_HASSTRINGS | WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_VISIBLE, 20, 20, 100, 60, window, hFile, NULL, NULL);

		// Add strings to combobox.
		SendMessage(hWndComboBox,(UINT) CB_ADDSTRING,(WPARAM) 0,(LPARAM) L"Boo"); 
		SendMessage(hWndComboBox,(UINT) CB_ADDSTRING,(WPARAM) 1,(LPARAM) L"voo"); 
		//set the opening text to the first item in the list	
		SendMessage(hWndComboBox, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, NULL);
This works beautifully, nice drop down box, filled with the text I want. but i get issues when I try to get messages from it, this is how I tried:


        case ID_Boo:
		cout << "yay!!";
        case ID_Voo:
		cout << "noo!!";
note: I made the window under a console, so couts work fine

it works fine, if instead of a combo box I make a SetMenu, but I don't Want a setmenu lol

any thoughts? suggestions? opinions? need to see the whole code?