I'm having difficulty accessing other class members. I have created other class objects to access their member fields. The code compiles but I don't get any results back when I display them.
I've searched here and googled unsuccessfully to find an answer to my question. Can someone show me what I have overlooked? Below is a snippet of the code involved.

Thank you very much, Kent

// this class I want to use the value of ChFreq from another class
public class Lru_Channel_Details
	public void actualFreq()
		Lru_operation LruOp2 = new Lru_operation();	// create main operations class object to access ChFreq		
		Lru_SetChanFreq LruSetChFreq1 = new Lru_SetChanFreq();	// create other class object to access ChFreq
		Console.WriteLine("LruOp2.SetChanFreq.ChFreq = {0}", LruOp2.SetChanFreq.ChFreq);  // fails to display the ChFreq value
		Console.WriteLine("LruSetChFreq1.ChFreq = {0}", LruSetChFreq1.ChFreq);		// also fails to display the value

// in this class, I have set the values of ChFreq to 405.0
public class Lru_SetChanFreq
	private string chFreq;
	public string ChFreq
		get { return chFreq; }
		set { chFreq = value; }

	public void SetFreq()
		Lru_operation LruOp1 = new Lru_operation();  // this object accesses multiple other classes 
		LruOp1.SetChanFreq.ChFreq = "405.0";	// assign this value using main operations class object
		LruOp1.ChanDet.actualFreq();	// calls another class method to use ChFreq

		// does stuff with LruOp1 to access other class methods (not shown)

// this class is my main operations class.  the below objects are used to access other 
// class members from this class
public class Lru_operation
	public Lru_SetChanFreq SetChanFreq = new Lru_SetChanFreq();
	public Lru_Channel_Details ChanDet = new Lru_Channel_Details();
	// does stuff with the above class objects' methods