After compiling, I cannot understand why my getMost and getLeast functions are returning erroneous values. I've done everything I could think of to try and fix this but I'm completely lost at this point and could really use some help. Problem and code below.

A local zoo wants to keep track of how many pounds of food each of its three monkeys eats
each day during a typical week. Write a program that stores this information in a twodimensional
3 * 7 array, where each row represents a different monkey and each column
represents a different day of the week. The program should rst have the user input the data
for each monkey. Then it should create a report that includes the following information:

* Average amount of food eaten per day by the whole family of monkeys.
* The least amount of food eaten during the week by any one monkey.
* The greatest amount of food eaten during the week by any one monkey.

Input Validation: Do not accept negative numbers for pounds of food eaten.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

// Constants.
const int NUM_MONKEYS = 3;
const int NUM_DAYS = 7;

// Function prototypes.
void getData(int[][NUM_DAYS], int);
int getAverage(int[][NUM_DAYS], int);
int getMost(int[][NUM_DAYS], int);
int getLeast(int[][NUM_DAYS], int);

int main()
	// Variables to hold average eaten per day, lowest eaten per week
	// by anyone monkey, and highest eaten per week by any one monkey.
	int average,

	// Array to hold data.
	int foodPerWeek[NUM_MONKEYS][NUM_DAYS];

	// Get the amount eaten per day for all 3 monkeys.
	getData(foodPerWeek, NUM_MONKEYS);

	// Get the average eaten per day for entire family of monkeys.
	average = getAverage(foodPerWeek, NUM_MONKEYS);

	// Get the least amount of food eaten during the week by
	// anyone one monkey.
	lowest = getLeast(foodPerWeek, NUM_MONKEYS);

	// Get the most amount of food eaten during the week by anyone
	// one monkey.
	highest = getMost(foodPerWeek, NUM_MONKEYS);

	// Print to console the (1) average eaten per day by entire
	// family of monkeys, (2) least amount of food eaten during 
	// the week by any one monkey, and (3) most amount of food
	// eaten per week by any one monkey.
	cout << endl << "Average per day: " << average << endl;
	cout << "Least per week: " << lowest << endl;
	cout << "Most per week: " << highest << endl;

	return 0;

// Function getData.
void getData(int data[][NUM_DAYS], int rows)
	for (int x=0; x<rows; x++)
		cout << "Enter amount eaten per day for Monkey #" << (x+1) << endl;
		for (int y=0; y<NUM_DAYS; y++)
			cout << "Day " << (y+1) << ": ";
			cin >> data[x][y];

// Function getAverage.
int getAverage(int data[][NUM_DAYS], int rows)
	int total = 0,

	for (int x=0; x<rows; x++)
		for (int y=0; y<NUM_DAYS; y++)
			total += data[x][y];

	average = (total / NUM_DAYS);

	return average;

// Function getLeast.
int getLeast(int data[][NUM_DAYS], int rows)
	int monkey[NUM_MONKEYS];
	int least = monkey[0];

	for (int x=0; x<rows; x++)
		for (int y=0; y<NUM_DAYS; y++)
			monkey[x] += data[x][y];

		if (monkey[x] <= least)
			least = monkey[x];

	return least;

// Function getMost.
int getMost(int data[][NUM_DAYS], int rows)
	int monkey[NUM_MONKEYS];
	int most = monkey[0];

	for (int x=0; x<rows; x++)
		for (int y=0; y<NUM_DAYS; y++)
			monkey[x] += data[x][y];

		if (monkey[x] >= most)
			most = monkey[x];

	return most;