I need some help with this program using the selection, insertion, and bubble sorts. The program needs to be able to do the following:

1. Create an array of 1000 population records when the array object is instantiated. Call it unSorted.
2. Open the file called “Population.csv” (on the portal) and invoke a function that loads the population data into the array.
3. Create a second array of 1000 elements that will be used to sort the data using the different algorithms. Name is sortedArray.
4. Write a function that will copy unSorted into sortedArray and execute that function.
5. Using a function, display the unsorted array.
6. Invoke the insertionSort () function that will sort the sortedArray using the insertion sort algorithm. Sort the population data on the rank field in ascending order. Alternatively, you can sort in descending order on population.
7. Using the display function, display sortedArray.
8. Display the number of iterations it took to do the sort using this algorithm.
9. Repeat steps 4-8 for the selection and bubble sort algorithms.

Here is my code so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

void loadArray (int unSorted[], int s);
void displayArray (const int num [], int size);
void selectionSort(int num [], int size);
void insertionSort(int num [], int size);
void bubbleSort(int num [], int size);

int main ()
	const int size = 1000;
	int unSorted[size];
	int sortedArray[size];

	ifstream inFile("Population.csv");
	if (!inFile)
		cout << "File was not found" << endl;

	for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
		inFile >> unSorted[i];

	cout << "Selection Sort: ";
	selectionSort(sortedArray, size) << endl;

void int loadElements (int unSorted[], int s)
	for( int i = 0, i < s; i++)

void int displayArray (const in num [], int size)
	for int i = 0; i < size; i++)
		cout << num[i];

void selectionSort(int num [], int size)
	int startscan, minindex, minvalue;

	for (startscan = 0; startscan < (size - 1); startscan++) 
		minindex = startscan;
		minvalue = num[startscan];
		for(int index = startscan + 1; index < size; index++)
			if (num[index] < minvalue)
				minvalue = num[index];
				minindex = index;
		num[minindex] = num[startscan];
		num[startscan] = minvalue;
		displayArray (num, size);
		cout << endl;

void insertionSort(int num [], int size)
		for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
		int j;
		int current = num[i];
			for (j = i - 1; j >= 0 && num[j] > current; j--)
		displayArray (num, size);
		cout << endl;

void bubbleSort(int num [], int size)
	bool swap;
	int temp;

		swap = false;
		for (int count = 0; count < (size - 1); count++)
			if (num[count] > num [count + 1])
				temp = num[count];
				num[count] = num[count +1];
				num[count +1] = temp;
				swap = true;				
		displayArray (num, size);
		cout << endl;
	} while (swap);
Here is a few lines from the Population.csv file contents:
Alabama,Baldwin County,140415,389
Alabama,Blount County,51024,908
Alabama,Calhoun County,112249,477
Alabama,Colbert County,54984,858
Alabama,Cullman County,77483,653
Alabama,Dale County,49129,927
Alabama,Dallas County,46365,974
Alabama,DeKalb County,64452,753
I'm not sure how to load the data from the file into the array properly, I attempted this. I also don't know how to copy the unSorted into sortedArray.