This is just the beginning of my code. My intention is for the user to input a value of scientific notation, then have the program store that as string scientificNotation. I then am trying to have the code define component.mant as the string before the 'E', and component.exp for the string after.


31 expected primary-expression before '.' token
This error occurs for every instance of structName.structMember (lines 31, 33)

32 `ignore' undeclared (first use this function)
I'm thinking this error is a result of 'ignore' being a part of header <fstream> and the fact that I'm not reading any files?? Or....I'm totally wrong which is likely...

35 expected primary-expression before "readCh"
35 expected `;' before "readCh"
So the program isn't assigning term "component" as struct? Or am I confused about being able to call the global struct by structName?

44 expected primary-expression before "function"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string> 
using namespace std; 

//Global struct   
struct component
   int mant;                
   double exp;                          

//Function Prototypes
void readCharacters
  (component& function)                    //OUT:Data destination
     string scientificNotation;
     cout << "\t\t\tScientific Notation Calculator\n\n";
     cout << "Please enter a number in scientific notation.\n";
     cout << "For Example: -0.1234E20\n";
     getline(cin, scientificNotation, 'E');
     cin << component.mant;
     ignore.scientificNotation(20, 'E');
     cin << component.exp;
     component readCh()
       component function;
       return function;
 int main ()
     readCharacters(component function);
     return 0;