
I have an HTML form with several check boxes, each on a separate row.
If check box 2 in unchecked, I do not want the user to be able to tab stop at check box 3, but bypass 3 and tab stop at check box 4.

Here is the code I'm using by setting tabindex="0" when the userAllowPayeeChange check box (2) has a value of 0 (unchecked), which is not working.
The code below is setting the tabindex for check box 3.
					  <td style="padding-left: 30px;"><fmt:message key="Payee Name Search" /></td>
					    <c:when test="${!sessionScope.userInfo.userAllowPayeeChange}">
					      <td><h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{PermissionGroup.payeeNameSearch}" /></td>					    
					      <td tabindex="0"><h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{PermissionGroup.payeeNameSearch}" /></td>					    
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
