just wanted to let you guys know that Incredibuild has launched a new version.
  • IncrediBuild to accelerate code analysis solutions from KlocWork and ********. For further information please contact
  • IncrediBuild Improved performance for Visual Studio 2010\2012\2013. Projects that contains many units can be expected to gain a meaningful additional performance.
  • A new beta feature is introduced to further accelerate Visual Studio 2010\2012\2013 compilations by using “predictive execution” mechanism which allows IncrediBuild to highly increase throughput. In order to activate this feature you need to enable the “predictive execution” option in your local machine under Agent Settings->Visual Studio Builds->Advanced. This feature can offer a meaningful additional acceleration, especially for solutions that contain many projects. (This feature is currently not supported and should not be enabled in CUDA and Nintendo solutions).
  • Added support for latest Visual Studio updates: VS2012 update 4, VS2013 update 1, VS2013 update 2.
  • IncrediBuild fully supports Windows 8.1 update.
  • IncreriBuild now highly accelerates Android NDK builds.
  • Xbox One XDK is certified up to XDK July 2014 release.
  • Added support for latest CygWin framework (August 2013 version).
  • IncrediBuild to highly accelerate NVidia’s NSight Tegra for developing Android development using Visual Studio

For more information visit http://www.incredibuild.com