Hello, all. I'm trying to teach myself C# basics largely because I found its syntax cleaner in addition to it being used for an upcoming grad course.

I am trying to follow code in this book, which has been fine up until the preliminary to delgates. Specifically:

An abstract class is given for DocumentProcesses:
abstract class DocumentProcess
     public abstract void Process(Document doc);
The processes take the form of:
class SpellcheckProcess : DocumentProcess
      public override void Process(Document doc)
Document is a defined class with simple properties. Question 1: Why didn't they just use an interface if there's no "default" code needed and a must-have override?

The Document Processor has the code as follows:
class DocumentProcessor
              private readonly List<DocumentProcess> processes =
              new List<DocumentProcess>();
              public List<DocumentProcess> Processes
                     return processes;

             public void Process(Document doc)
                foreach(DocumentProcess process in Processes)
Question 2: Since the list is a readonly field and private, how can it be accessed via anything other than a constructor?

This block of code seems to do just that (the author does not mention it as a part of the DocumentProcessor class):
static DocumentProcessor = Configure()
   DocumentProcessor rc = new DocumentProcessor
   rc.Processes.Add(new TranslateIntoFrench); //etc...;
This seems to be accessing the Processes Property, which only has a get. Question 3: How is this accessing the private readonly List, especially to add processes?

And later:
DocumentProcessor processor = Configure();
-- in a Main method
Question 4: I understand that Configure() returns a DocumentProcessor object to this reference, but how does it do so? This confusion is related to questions 1-3

Thanks. I'd really like to move on to delegates, but I want to understand this first as opposed to memorizing it. I apologize for the indentation.