Hi there Im new to this forum so I hope I am doing everything ok for you let me know if something needs changing.

Basically Ive been at this code for hours, Im trying to write a class that will accept two strings and an int (username and password and scrore from a quizgame,which eventually will come from a gui, at the minute im just passing them through from the main), and pass them into a database to be inserted.

I have the JConnector jar file added and am working in eclipse, i am really under pressure for time.

here is my code
Sorry it is hard to make it neat here.
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;

import com.mysql.jdbc.Connection;
import com.mysql.jdbc.Statement;

public class DbConnect {
	private java.sql.Connection con;
	private java.sql.Statement st;
	private ResultSet rs;

	public DbConnect()
			con =      DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3307/nostalgic","root","usbw");		
                        st = con.createStatement();
		catch(Exception ex)
			System.out.println("Error is "+ex);
		public void setData(String n,String p,int x)
				String query ="select * from nostalgic";
				String query1="INSERT INTO nostalgic values (n,p,x)";
				PreparedStatement statement3 = con.prepareStatement(query1);
				rs = st.executeQuery(query);
				System.out.println("records from database");
					String name1 = rs.getString("name");
					String pw = rs.getString("password");
					int score = rs.getInt("score");
					System.out.println("Name : "+name1);
					System.out.println("Password : "+pw);
					System.out.println("Score : "+score);
			catch(Exception ex){
the error i get is Unknown column 'n' in 'field list'

I can directly put a string in like 'john' but that is no use to me in this situation.

Please help

Thank you,